Hi Peter, light bulb moment, we have four types of songs, MULTITRACK, STEREO FILES, LYRICS ONLY, PDFs, i definitely use stero and lyrics only and might have some multitracks, pdfs i am waiting to see end results, some people might use all and others pdfs only with stereo etc, my point is it would be really handy to be able to somehow select a search or filter selection to only view only one group type, so if you are dealing with pdfs you only have them in view to deal with, if you are working with multitracks you only have those files in SONG view,
Most of us will have stero files no matter what, some for backing tracks some for background music, we might be wanting to work with our LYRICS ONLY songs, a simple selection perhaps in filter mode have these as permanent options.
Ive just come up with this so perhaps you can think of a better way, basically giving us an easy way to only see the files we are dealing with at that time, since there are a lot of different files present in the SONG folder.