peter OK i need to try this, but thats not my point i was really talking about.
Its the clutter of SONG folder, heres another scenario, i use 10,000 stereo songs used for background music and perform live using 300 multi track songs x 6 track = 1,800 multi track files, i dont need to see the 10,000 stereo files but i really want to work with my multitrack files how do i quickly get rid of the stereo files in my song view.
The second requirement is i need to sample play the multitrack files to confirm it is the track i want to use in my multitrack song, how do i do that efficiantly? If i use search yes i can possibly narrow it down to the six tracks of the song, but if i hit play to sample the track i loose my search and if i have my lyrics window auto pop up in play it also appears, so now i have to bring this window down to access the song view re enter the search and hit my next track to sample and then go through this process every time, this does not work.
So search is not my answer, perhaps filter, no because i have to go through my dayly growing library and create a filter for every multitrack file before i can get results.
This would not be necessary if i could help it, my wish would be without any effort a simple filter option of four song types simply gets me only those files in SONG, how its done i dont know, but thats what i would expect to simply declutter the song view.
Having further filter capability for those prepared to put in the effort to greatly improve their workflow is great but not for most wham bam thank you mam users.