Damir I am reporting a bug, if you do this
Go to edit lyrics select the button that gives you the reset lyrics, clear timecode, now hit cancel the page changes but the drop down window remains on screen, this is a bug.
And I genuinely don’t know what the undo button/redo button in top left corner does in Song Details.
I expect not to be using the manual after years of helping develop the app if I have to do that it means the function button is either not clearly labeled or presented in the wrong spot.
In the edit lyrics window this same function button brings down an option window and that’s fine, in the Song Details this button does nothing obvious, is it an actual function button or perhaps a bug? I haven’t time to be reading the manual every time I test things that should be straight forward to understand.
I have just spent time finding out what this button does, and now i understand that it is a reload tags/ waveform Refresh button so why not label it so first time users and long time users that havent used this function get immediate visual feedback to what this does, as it is exactly the same button as in the edit lyrisc window but at least in this window an option appears and you know what you are doing, in the Song Details you have no feedback and have no idea what will happen when you press it, so perhaps a lable next to it REFRESH DATA will be more obvious to ALL users , ST started as a very easy and obvious user interface, it is now becoming more complex yet less obvious user interface, this is my main concearn that it will choke itself by complexity and non consistancy a trap that lots of other software have fallen in.
A great way to measure software desig quality is time spent in manual compared to time spent using the software.