peter visually when you click on EQ the Song properties button changes highligting as well,the icons dont highlight seperately so you can destinguish which one is active, not only that but they work the opposite to autoplay highlighting, i like the autoplay highlighting much better as it stands out when active, if you notice the Audio play button when not active changes shadeing as well when the other two are engaged,
Aha I see what is happening, the background is dimmed, I think that is unnecessary as you still want to see things normally you tweak your settings and continue working it should appear seamless.
Its minor but sloppy compared to the rest of the software.I can live with it but id thought id point it out incase you didnt see it.
I would preffer all three buttons to have the same visual logic like the Autoplay button.
And if i had it my way i would have the autoplay button a different colour to distinguish it from the other two, so it stands out more when active from the other two and i would make the arrows that appear in the songs list to be that same colour , this would be visually more usefull and tie things together, being more obvious on stage when active and explain visually to what button does what.
Again smoooother operation.