Stage Traxx Support
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This thread is only relevant for iOS
Stage Traxx Using Double the Space on my iPad
Wolfmix users
New apple idl
Trigger songs from a "remote" ipad which joined the session
A&H CQ-20b Setup
The Scroll Speed i
Multi track song to XR18 - No sound
Mono Stems playing on both Left and Right channels
Add song window to playlist.
Advice for getting more output volume?
Midi Automation Track import?
AirPlay not showing in ST3
Full version
PDF Autoscroll Based on Playback Time work in remote session with local lyrics?
Strategy for initial setting up of downstream iPads for local lyrics
Route multitrack audio to ipad mixer (Loopy Pro, AUM etc.)
Crossfade instead of jump when the play head is moved manually.
Controlling ST3 from other app via MIDI.
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