Reporting on EQ reset problem, this now appears to work as expected, well done.
Feedback on the multitrack EQ , simply put it is horible to use.
The interface colour is to monotone and hard to recognise things, lableing is poor, i dont know what instrument i am tweaking Track 1 equalizer tells me nothing,i know i am in the equalizer but what istrument am i tweaking.
The undo button position has had me push the icons just above it by mistake as they stand out more 50/50 percent of the time i have accidentally exited the EQ by mistake, having that space above is definitely more of a nucence then help just from that point of view, not to mention having to scroll to get to all the EQ settings, definitely can be improved even without a professional, its just so obvious.
Multi Track setup screen is also very monotone and absolutely confusing with small name of track wich is dominated by MAIN OUTPUT everywhere as you scroll down to actually find a track everything is a blur forcing you to read every single line carefully, the actual instrument names just below in monotone colour again very hard to read , no track number, this is where you need the track number to be obvious and the instrument name. I think you get the point.
There is still the issue in playlist Auto play highlight of button, if you select a song that has had an auto play selected and arrow showing, if you select that song while auto play button is not highlighted you will find it wont highlight the auto play button.
Auto play arrows dont appear in song mode in the song select column like in playlist or queu.