Hi Peter
I’m just putting this out here in case any of the members or yourself have a fix for this.
I use touch osc and st3 to send midi program changes to trigger a sequence on a laptop via Wi-Fi midi. Rtp midi.
So I associate a sequence on my laptop with say CH1 PC 09. I embed this in touch osc or st3 lyric and press play on either device and the sequence starts. If I want to stop the sequence and restart it using touch osc I hit the song button once and the sequence stops and rewinds. If I was to press on another song on touch osc, the first song would stop and the next song would be triggered instantly. If I want to start and stop a sequence using st3 I have to press play, then stop then play then stop. The sequencer needs to see a midi command which would be transmitted in this case on the third push of play on st3.
When you announced the new midi features I downloaded the beta and hoped I could associate the send on stop command with a different command for every song but this is not the case. So I thought what if I had a silent track on the laptop sequencer that was triggered when a song was stopped on st3, I’ve tried this and this is what happens.
So in lyrics for a song I embed ch1 PC 09 with the appropriate brackets and syntax. In the st3 send midi on stop I will use ch13 PC 13 and associate this with 30 seconds of silence in the laptop sequence.
This is what happens. I press play on st3 beta and my sequencer sees ch1 09 and plays a song. I press stop and the sequencer midi monitor sees the 13/13 info but fails to respond. I press play again on st3 and the sequence sees 01/09 and stops, I press stop on st3 and the sequence sees 13/13 and plays the silence.
So I thought what if I use the new action buttons and associate them to silence to stop the sequence, so with the same settings as before, I press play on st3 and the sequence starts, I press stop on st3 and the sequencer is still running. I push action button 1 and this triggers silence I press it again and the silence ends. I now want to restart the original song so I push play and the song starts, I press stop and it triggers silence. I push start I get my song, I push stop and the song still plays. It’s like my sequencer only sees the actions of the play button, every other press.
I’m totally baffled and wonder has anyone experienced this.
Many thanks.