peter Instead of converting song types, how about the option to import lyrics from another song?
The idea is to be able to start of with lyrics only at first then easily add an audio file to it later, that way we can easily create lots of potential new songs to possibly use later as we create the backing tracks as they take a lot more effort and time to create, so then later as we are creating the audio backing we can simply add them to the lyrics only files and finish with a standard stereo/multitrack song.
This allows us to quickly add lots of lyrics and have them conveniently stored in ST3 for future completion to a full backing track.
I assume this is what has been asked for by others who are having to load lyrics only, then audio only then having two same files that do different things then having to copy text only to add to audio file than having to delete lyrics only file to avoid confusion and also naming files is a pain as you can’t have two files called the same yet you need them to be named the same.
Why can’t you have a lyrics file named exactly the same as an audio file ? The two files should be able to exist side by side and be distinguished by the type of file they are,
I don’t understand the ST3 filling system.
It should be a lot more logical.
You have a multitrack folder, where is the Lyrics only folder? Where is the stereo track folder .
In multitrack, Why isn’t every song in its own song name folder and all its audio tracks within this folder for easy track finding,
Why can’t we just create a folder name it the song name then place all the tracks from the daw in to this folder copy and paste it to st3 multitrack folder and it immediately creates a multi track song for us called the same as that folders name and places the first six audio tracks in to the multitrack in their order of which they are in that folder,
If these things we available I might consider using multitrack, at the moment it’s too slow to use and not worth the end result unless you really need it, than that’s different any method is fine as long as you are young and have plenty of time.