
Awesome job on the app. So much better than the rest out there.

Two feature requests for your list if enough people are interested. As a developer (of a iOS songwriter app), I understand why certain things are done the way they are.

  1. I Find it really cumbersome when entering lyrics having to go back from the viewer to the song properties and then clicking on the editor. I would really speed up entering lyrics if there was an edit button on the viewer that would quickly jump into the editor. I am sure I speak for everyone when I say that every song that is added needs tweaking of the lyrics to make look right. The back and forth adds so much time when you want to see how a quick change to formatting or midi entries work.

  2. It would be nice to be able to add an audio file or multitrack after the song has already been created. Maybe an option to convert the song to one of the other formats. Again, as a dev I understand why you keep them separate, so maybe a conversion option could be done. Copying the song, cutting and pasting the lyrics and properties and other settings takes a lot of time.

Thanks for your consideration.


    Converting song types has some challanges. For example converting to lyrics only song: what to do with the audio files? Ok delete them for regular songs but multitrack songs can share files. So what now?

    Or regular song to multitrack or back. What do er do with the existing files.

    Regarding the other request, the only place that would be possible to do that is as a menu item in the slide left menu.

      peter Regarding the other request, the only place that would be possible to do that is as a menu item in the slide left menu.

      What about a Double tap in lyrics screen opens the editor, this is very simple and quick and takes no space on screen yet makes it very fast, this was one of my first few suggestions to speed up workflow in early stages of development .

        MXStudios It would be nice to be able to add an audio file or multitrack after the song has already been created. Maybe an option to convert the song to one of the other formats.

        I agree with Peter, the decision of creation of the 3 different song types is complicated enough already converting from one type to another would be a nightmare to implement and to use, on the other hand I see nothing wrong with being able to create a lyrics only song then to be able to add an audio file to it and converting it to an audio file automatically , where the set time of the lyrics only song gets removed and the audio file gets inserted and mixed in to the lyrics only text so you can create your lyrics then load in an audio file in to it and then continue using the text editor to complete timecode entry, at the moment you have to do lots of manipulation to achieve this .
        Simply put if the same named audio file song title is loaded it should merge in to the same name lyrics only titled song if you choose to do so and from then on the lyrics only file gets automatically treated like an audio file, saving a lot of copy paste delete create etc stuff we really don’t need to do.

        It would be interesting to hear from other users to how often they create lyrics songs then want to load the backing audio, I personally use stereo tracks only and create the audio backing first then I locate my text and paste it in to song text editor, I hardly ever find my lyrics create a song then load the backing but then again I do save all my new potential song text in to notepad and as I get the backing tracks done I then get the text from the notepad, it would be nice to be able to load the text to ST3 directly and add the audio backing later with ease.

        Here’s my wish , I copy my lyrics from website open ST3 create lyrics only track double tap on the lyrics area which opens the text editor paste my lyrics , at some later time when I have my audio backing track I have it named the same as my lyrics only song when I try to load it to ST3 I get a prompt to merge in to the lyrics only track or to create a new audio track if I choose merge than the lyrics only track gets converted to an audio song, if I don’t merge it creates a new audio song without lyrics and then I can copy and paste the lyrics from the lyrics only same song, giving me two versions of the same song , one as lyrics only and the other as stereo audio backing with lyrics.

        The idea is to speed up loading and editing of songs text at the moment it is a time hog.

        Damir theres already an selectable option to double tap for stop so I doubt that could be changed for the users that have that set up.

          Lishy theres already an selectable option to double tap for stop so I doubt that could be changed for the users that have that set up.

          Oh I didn’t know that I assumed a touch and drag stopped the auto scroll in lyrics I think that makes more sense a double tap on the lyrics makes more sense to be the editor selection as it’s a definite request to open it , whenever I touch the screen I normally want to reposition the lyrics which then should stop the auto scroll and allow me to go to a new position in lyrics a double tap on the screen to me feels more natural I want to get in to the lyrics to edit them , a gentle touch and slight move means I want to stop scrolling, this makes much more operational sense, but what do I know.

          The double tap gesture on lyrics does open/close the song list. So that is already taken.

          Instead of converting song types, how about the option to import lyrics from another song?

            I find myself wanting to add Audio file to a lyrics only song because I also use them to practice. So for some songs I end up creating a new one with the audio and copying lyrics.

            For those songs that I want to practice, but but not use the audio live, I turn down the volume... So a MUTE would be nice also 🙂 .

            Just having the capability of adding or removing the audio file (with option to delete the file), would be great.

            As for the edit button, even an icon on the title bar on the right hand side would be perfect. I know we use the title click back to list, so just a pencil or something on the far right. Like where I have the green circle in the attachment.

            An additional icon in the title area will not work on iPhones in portrait mode. And I don’t like to place a button somewhere where no other buttons are. So beside the waveform would be possible but that would reduce the width of the waveform which is already too narrow when using audio regions.

            peter The double tap gesture on lyrics does open/close the song list. So that is already taken.

            Double tap to open and close the song column is a total waist of a more needed use and is doubled up as you already have an obvious arrow to do that , it just confuses the users having two ways to do things and is unnecessary, the much more important obvious double tap to get to the editor is much more time saving and important to have as we always are bouncing back and fourth to edit and check , but the song selection screen is something I rarely use as I always have it open so I can manipulate my next songs while performing, very rarely do I want it closed and if I do the arrow on side is very easy to use as it’s a visual place to touch and more obvious to use, a double tap on the other hand on the lyrics area feels more like you need to enter the lyrics to correct them.
            The two ways of doing same things is very confusing and resource wasting, the logic should be there is only one way to do something and it’s the most logical and best way.
            This applies to text size , I would rather have a larger volume fader on iPhone portrait mode for easier control, and use the pinch gesture to resize my lyrics if you had a numeric box pop up as you change text size, this one only method is good enough to use yet the volume fader is also improved, doing things one way only reduces confusion as people are forced to get use to the one way to do things and it improves the interface operation.

            peter Instead of converting song types, how about the option to import lyrics from another song?

            The idea is to be able to start of with lyrics only at first then easily add an audio file to it later, that way we can easily create lots of potential new songs to possibly use later as we create the backing tracks as they take a lot more effort and time to create, so then later as we are creating the audio backing we can simply add them to the lyrics only files and finish with a standard stereo/multitrack song.
            This allows us to quickly add lots of lyrics and have them conveniently stored in ST3 for future completion to a full backing track.

            I assume this is what has been asked for by others who are having to load lyrics only, then audio only then having two same files that do different things then having to copy text only to add to audio file than having to delete lyrics only file to avoid confusion and also naming files is a pain as you can’t have two files called the same yet you need them to be named the same.

            Why can’t you have a lyrics file named exactly the same as an audio file ? The two files should be able to exist side by side and be distinguished by the type of file they are,
            I don’t understand the ST3 filling system.
            It should be a lot more logical.
            You have a multitrack folder, where is the Lyrics only folder? Where is the stereo track folder .
            In multitrack, Why isn’t every song in its own song name folder and all its audio tracks within this folder for easy track finding,
            Why can’t we just create a folder name it the song name then place all the tracks from the daw in to this folder copy and paste it to st3 multitrack folder and it immediately creates a multi track song for us called the same as that folders name and places the first six audio tracks in to the multitrack in their order of which they are in that folder,

            If these things we available I might consider using multitrack, at the moment it’s too slow to use and not worth the end result unless you really need it, than that’s different any method is fine as long as you are young and have plenty of time.

              6 days later

              SuperBisDak Have you checked the worshipsong band app?

              Yes i did run past it before and i have just given it another look, nothing has changed, its confusing to buggary and has no workflow in mind to make life easy on stage , if i used it on stage for 5 minutes i would end up bold in no time.
              Sorry but if i was to rate the worshipsong band app out of 10 i would give it a generous 2 to me ST3 rating stands at 9.5 out of ten and i would easily give it a 10 without a problem if it just had a bit more polish , if ST3 had half the features i could still use it easily on stage, i could not use worshipsong band app in its current structure, it is just wrong for on stage use.
              But thanks for the prompt its always good to be aware of what is around.
              Cheers Damir

              MXStudios I Find it really cumbersome when entering lyrics having to go back from the viewer to the song properties and then clicking on the editor. I would really speed up entering lyrics if there was an edit button on the viewer that would quickly jump into the editor. I am sure I speak for everyone when I say that every song that is added needs tweaking of the lyrics to make look right. The back and forth adds so much time when you want to see how a quick change to formatting or midi entries work.


                There is already an edit button displayed in the lyrics area when showing pdf files. This button opens the annotation editor. How about I reuse that button to open the lyrics editor?

                Do you mean in the upper right? I think this would be a perfect spot for an edit button.

                  Lishy I always plan for something to go wrong.

                  We play in a band with over 200 songs that can be requested at any time during a show.

                  I have just started using MIDI, so hopefully I will never have to use these but in case MIDI stops working, we have our settings there for every song.