MXStudios It would be nice to be able to add an audio file or multitrack after the song has already been created. Maybe an option to convert the song to one of the other formats.
I agree with Peter, the decision of creation of the 3 different song types is complicated enough already converting from one type to another would be a nightmare to implement and to use, on the other hand I see nothing wrong with being able to create a lyrics only song then to be able to add an audio file to it and converting it to an audio file automatically , where the set time of the lyrics only song gets removed and the audio file gets inserted and mixed in to the lyrics only text so you can create your lyrics then load in an audio file in to it and then continue using the text editor to complete timecode entry, at the moment you have to do lots of manipulation to achieve this .
Simply put if the same named audio file song title is loaded it should merge in to the same name lyrics only titled song if you choose to do so and from then on the lyrics only file gets automatically treated like an audio file, saving a lot of copy paste delete create etc stuff we really don’t need to do.
It would be interesting to hear from other users to how often they create lyrics songs then want to load the backing audio, I personally use stereo tracks only and create the audio backing first then I locate my text and paste it in to song text editor, I hardly ever find my lyrics create a song then load the backing but then again I do save all my new potential song text in to notepad and as I get the backing tracks done I then get the text from the notepad, it would be nice to be able to load the text to ST3 directly and add the audio backing later with ease.
Here’s my wish , I copy my lyrics from website open ST3 create lyrics only track double tap on the lyrics area which opens the text editor paste my lyrics , at some later time when I have my audio backing track I have it named the same as my lyrics only song when I try to load it to ST3 I get a prompt to merge in to the lyrics only track or to create a new audio track if I choose merge than the lyrics only track gets converted to an audio song, if I don’t merge it creates a new audio song without lyrics and then I can copy and paste the lyrics from the lyrics only same song, giving me two versions of the same song , one as lyrics only and the other as stereo audio backing with lyrics.
The idea is to speed up loading and editing of songs text at the moment it is a time hog.