Auto play logic is improving but still not there.
Talking about PLAYLIST MODE only.
Dual color definitely works to identify ALL & SINGLE auto play modes but the way they interact with eachother and how the autoplay button highlights is out of wack.
I did explain before but will explain again as its the only logic that will work for us on stage.
Lets say we have 10 songs in a playlist and we have programed 1,3,5,7,9 to single autoplay, their arrows are highlighted in blue, then we hit play, this works perfectly right now.
But the evening requires change of operation on the run which i find to be the case every gig.
Say you mostly want autoplay but might need to cancle some autoplays in songs on the run.You turn on Auto play All switch.
Now you have 2,4,6,8,10 arrows in grey and the others in blue this is fine as no matter what you will get all to autoplay.
As you play no 1 song with blue arrow auto play button is highlighted and plays through to the 2nd song which is grey arrow you will notice the autoplay button highlight dissapears and yet you still have an autoplay grey arrow as its still active from the autoplay All selection.This is absolutely wrong.
My expectation on stage is if the autoplay blue or grey arrow is showing the autoplay button should be still highlighted warning you that you are in autoplay, and i expect to be able to temporarely turn the autoplay off on this song even though both grey and blue arrow selections are residing there. As the song is playing and this is a temporary request only, it should override the other two reguests.
As song 2 ends and cues up the next unplayed song no 3 it simultanuosly restores song 2 back to its previous arrow settings as this was a temporary change in play mode.
This means you create on the run but do not corrupt your playlist, unless you make changes when in stop mode, this then is permenantly remembered.
And the prime logic of single autoplay button is that it allways highlights correctly to what is going on and it changes the state of Autoplay for that song.
At the moment you have it working ok when in stop mode you can create all scenarios and visually it seems ok.
But as soon as you hit play it shows its weakness.
My thoughts on Autoplay button logic.
1 Two modes of logic PLAY OR STOP
WHEN IN PLAY It does not remember settings, they are temporary settings for now playing song
WHEN IN STOP It remembers all settings for the next gig
IN STOP and single autoplay active as well,
Autoplay button changes the state to both SINGLE and ALL arrow selection this is REMEMBERED for SINGLE selections and it REMEMBERS the AUTOPLAY ALL switch setting.
IN PLAY and single autoplay active as well.
Autoplay button changes the state to both SINGLE and ALL selection arrows this is TEMPORARY TO BOTH as the song is playing and this requirement is a once off , preventing playlist contamination and easily creating the needs of the gig on the night .
It operates on both single and all selections if present.
Autoplay button changes the state of the SINGLE arrow selection this is NOT REMEMBERED.
Autoplay button changes the state of the SINGLE arrow selection this is REMEMBERED.
What i mean by changing the state is, if its on it turns it off if its off it turn it on, and the Autoplay button HIGHLIGHT AND SWITCHING allways responds in sync with the songs arrows..