There are backing tracks sellers out there that actually sell multi track backing tracks, i have purchased once from a seller that had an option for single track and multi track but i only bought the single track so i dont know how iwould have received the multi if it was a single file that just loads in to a daw as a track 1 to 6 automatically with a song name and each track with its corresponding insrument.
This is something i will look in to, i was going to ask you about, because at the moment you will end up with a hell of a lot of files like Love me tender - Drums etc basically 6 times more files with huge names that dont really work for you in the software.
I would like to see just one name in the multi track song and then individual names of instruments seperate.
My other thought was the multi track feature is too hidden in the menus it is not showing its power.
What i expected when i play a multi track was at least an easy way to mute tracks as the song is playing and this configuration to be remembered for each individual song, i know you have a master section burried well in the setup but thats the problem it works across all songs this is is fine for some that plan way ahead but most users just want to load a file and play it then perhaps turn this and that on or off and then tweak the pan and eq and a final volume mix and thats it for that song, while still having instant mute capability while performing.
At the moment you have a menu that brings down each tracks controls this is great and i like it to a point.
What i would expect first is six selection buttons with the name of each instrument next to it so i can identify what is active and what is not there i make my choice of what is actually going to play for that song this then determines which tracks will show below and gets rid of the tracks that arent playing , less to scroll through, Named TR1 - Drums - Main output.
Then EQ this i would name TR1-Drums-EQ, this is where the SOLO button belongs, and undo/redu function.
Bandwith is defined in octaves - get rid of it it is something that can be read in the instruction manual if people want to know and most dont they just want to easily tweak with what they got, this is valuable realestate and needs to be efficient less to scroll through.
What im trying to say is that multitrack should be easy to create and use so most normal users might consider it because it gives them a lot of power on stage, if at the end of the day you play a multitrack with exactly the same as 2 track than whats the point perhaps a slight quality difference depends if you know what you are doing, and most musos that would love this software dont have a lot of technical knowhow.The likes of us that are testing this are very few we are very lucky to have you do this for us but there is a huge market out there that would also benefit greatly but they need simplicity and ease of use this is where it gets hard to progam something that is simple yet very powerfull.
I have musician friends that a fantastic musicians but not so good with technology i am a versatile musician singer not briliant at any instrument but can play a number of them i can sing nothing special but good enough that people want to hear me again but i am the one with the most gigs not my brillian guitarist friend, why because i use ST3 to help me create the full package on stage.
What im trying to say focus on power and simplicity and what is the feature going to do for the majority.
While i was writing this i was fiddling with Prologic and have created A six track backing track exported it as a multitrack file into a folder called the same as my song , then i shared it using Airdrop to my ipad and sucessfully imported it to ST3 Multi track folder this process is OK my individual tracks were all named and this is all packaged in a folder of the songs name.
Now i created a multi track empty file with the same name of the song and then i went to load all the individual files to the multitrack song, this is where i think a lot of people would struggle to where do i go and what do i do, do i hit the multi track setup button or do i hit Song details.
To me Multi track setup sounds more correct but no i cant do that here, soi go to Song Details, i am confronted with a page that still has nothing there for me to enter my individual files, so now after scratching my head for a while i fiddle with the interface to find something futher down the page that might be what i want so i click on it and eventually i am finaly where i need to be where i can then load in my one by one files to fully load the six tracks, now i am just trying for you to see the pain the new commer will come across to do this task, so any little improvement would be really beneficial.
So one is to be able to see the the Configure multitrack playback as soon as you enter song detail.
But for me the more logical spot for this would be the Multitrack Setup button so as you hit it the first thing you see is a funtion button on top to hit and get to do what you need to do, then right near that is to have your six track selection so you can easily make use of the multitrack track otherwise whats the point of it.
Then the ability to tweak the individual tracks that are selected only so the others that arent used are not in your face, then when you get down deep to tweak your EQ you can solo and undo/redo.
This then gives you some reason to use multitrack instead of multiple single tracks.
Sorry i am writing this as im playing around and giving you my first impressions which i think are most valuable because once you get use to something its hard to see it from a different perspective.
Overall as an sound engineer musician i love the idea and it will definitely work for me and i wish i had this a few years back.
Ok more feedback
In Multitrack setup, which is where i think everything belongs in the first place to keep it very simple and logical,
FILE it shows you the file name and has a selectio arrow which does nothing, if this actually allow you to enter the song files you would have no reason to go to Song Detail.
I also noticed a lot of empty space above
Track2 Main output is it necessary? Probably yes due to Apple.
Anyway i will stop as i really want to give this now loaded multitrack a good bash through my new yamaha speakers and see the difference between my single and multi track versions, see where i can benefit the most.
Cheers have a nice day and stay safe Damir