I understand what you do but I truly think that the current way is correct. If you have lyrics highlighted at 00:10.00 you want them to be displayed when the playback position is at 00:10.00 or later. And you want this when playback is stopped or playback is running because it makes seeking very easy if you see the highlights changing while you move your finger over the waveform.
I dont disagree with you i just dont want my first line auto highlighted when i am performing on stage.
I can see where you are coming from, its the seeking you are focusing on while preping your show and because it is a new addition its your main focus right now while i am focused on the on stage need.
I think i have just come up with a great solution for both!
What if you could do this,
The key is Waveform seek during playback switch is what determines of how the first line highlighting performs.
If you have this on it means you are editing and you have it perform the way you think is important,
If you turn it off to be safe on stage you have it perform the way ST2 had it where it does not highlight the first line untill start gets hit,
plus there is a bonus free feature acheved here,
and that is if you forget to turn off the waveform seek while you are performing you would be warned by the fact your first lines of songs would allwas be highlighted prompting you to then turn off the dangerous waveform seek while performing.
What do you think, is it doable?
As i said i do like the seek feature and i use it now a lot, but i would hate to forget to turn it off while performing then accidentaly touching the end of the song while trying to enter song properties as it is dangerously close.
And this is what changed in the current version. Before the highlighting just stayed static whenever you pressed stop.
Even if you moved the playback position to somewhere else, which is purely wrong. So version 3.4 corrected this.
Yes i do like this.
And I don't understand why there should be an exception to this rule for timestamp 00:00.00. The solution is simply to change this timestamp to 00:00.01. You won't notice the 10ms delay in highlighting, but the logic will stay sane.
No thats not a solution its a work around i foud which i never use to have to do.
And am not happy about but its so important to me on srage that i am unhapilly willing to do it to make ST3 behave on stage the way ST2 did.