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Beautiful build Peter. For those of us who have the Pro and an Apple pencil, any plans to use it in v 4?
Beautiful build Peter. For those of us who have the Pro and an Apple pencil, any plans to use it in v 4?
jzavaletta You can already use the pencil to edit annotations on pdf files. What would be your use case?
peter Hi Peter, I would like the same or similar for NON-PDFs. Just scribble a quick note. Simple stuff.. Like this
Not sure how to do that on a text only view. I will make a note to look at this in version 4.
So today I tried the beta with my usual setup, which consists of an iPad, a Behringer UMC1820 audio interface, and StageTraxx usually hosted inside AUM (using Inter-App Audio). I could not get any audio output from StageTraxx whatsoever when using my audio interface, either through AUM or using STB standalone. When I disconnected my audio interface, I could get audio out of the ipad’s speaker.
I replaced the beta with the standard version and everything worked as usual. I haven’t investigated more, maybe there’s something new I should have done on the beta to get it to output audio correctly?
Showtime Not sure about the color settings. I agree that Dark Mode has to be device specific but personally I like a specific color scheme for all my devices. It would be confusing if the marker colors for example would change from device to device.
I agree with the other settings and they are already device specific.
Wegel I tested with UMC204 and XR18 and both work as expected. I haven't tried AUM though. Will take a look at it.
I can't find this feature in the Beta version (brightness highlighting function). How to access it please?
Regarding the configuration of the "Clock" area (Clock Mode in User Interface Settings), would it be possible to display the remaining time for the current playlist please? (The duration of the title currently playing + the sum of the durations of the remaining titles below). This can be very interesting live to see if the remaining time is good or if you need to skip songs...
I’m having difficulties in syncing beta between my iPad and iPhone via iCloud. I first installed beta on my iPad and restored a backup from ST live. I then switched iCloud sync on. The following day I installed beta on my iPhone - the only change I made was to turn iCloud sync on. I now have a situation where most playlists on the iPad are empty and in iPad settings there is an Error message
‘Network unavailable’. On the iPhone most of the songs are missing(red) there is a similar error message in settings. Both my devices are close to my fibre router and both connect with the internet no problem.
Olivier Regarding the configuration of the "Clock" area (Clock Mode in User Interface Settings), would it be possible to display the remaining time for the current playlist please? (The duration of the title currently playing + the sum of the durations of the remaining titles below). This can be very interesting live to see if the remaining time is good or if you need to skip songs...
My two cents worth regarding the two time area boxes.
I agree, there are more useful on stage timing things I would prefer, fortunately for me I just need to have an easy simple time of day clock on the left which gives me a good idea of when things need to happen as the function is running, but when I am on stage I would rather have option on the right side timer of how long my playlist is and how much time is left on my playlist and how long was the past songs performed rather than the useless time of song length which I already have in my playlist selection area or how much time left on the song which I already have a very nice waveform area which gives me a very good visual display of where I am in a song , plus it makes no sense to use this time selection if you are using loops because time remaining display is pointless.
So what I would like on the right hand side clock area is
Overall time of total playlist.
Total of time of songs played in the playlist.
Total remaining time left of unplayed songs in the playlist.
Lastly song time as is now, with the two options.
This then gives this area a very good use, at the moment it’s wasted as both settings are already available that are more obvious.
I personally never use that clock as I can see my song in the waveform and have a very good idea to where I am within a song , but I don’t really know how much time I have regarding my playlist which is actually a lot more important .
When you have 300+ songs to choose from and you can only use around 40 it’s vital to have a good idea of how things are progressing, as time flies as you are having fun a quick glance at the right times says you have performed 3 hours of songs it means choose your songs wisely as you only have an hour left if you are doing a 4 hour gig.
So it would help in rearranging the songs to suit the evening so no regrets after where your best songs were not played due to lack of time.
Cheers Damir
Hi Peter,
When I click on the Clock area at the top right it switches modes between "Remaining" and "Elapsed" which is great.
So we have the impression that it will also change mode when we click on the clock area at the top left but it remains static.
Regarding the modes that I would find interesting to add:
I realize after reading your excellent documentation that I don't use queue mode because playlist management is already very good for me:
I create a playlist corresponding to the songs I plan to play for the concert, I always put more than necessary.
Towards the end of the concert it would be very useful for me to know 2 pieces of data:
The time remaining until the end of the playlist (i.e. from the currently playing song to the last one, not counting the previous ones even if they have not been played because I can skip them during the set if I think they are not appropriate for the evening)
The approximate end time of the playlist (same rule as above but without counting the minutes this time, but indicating the end time)
With everything you have programmed super complex, it seems to me that these additions are simple for you and almost already implemented with the other processing already done on the clock.
Doesn’t that seem relevant to you Peter?
Thank you so much,
Hi Peter,
You´re so hard working!
Best lyrics app ever is getting even better!
I tested the new tipping in the beta!
Works perfectly as it seems!
Hope you got it!
I will check the other news too.
Looking forward for version 4!
Best regards
Wow thanks Peter. Another 2 multitracks will awesome. Without doubt the BEST backing track software and above all after sales service. Cheers mate keep up the fantastic work you do for all.