Hi Peter after update I started from scratch , I used iPad as my main device and successfully sent 22gb of data to iCloud and I could see it happening with the new data indicator, also data used by iCloud confirmed this, I then started from scratch on iMac and started syncing to iCloud downloading has and I hope is happening because I have all the data files and some audio files but not all perhaps 5% of audio files, now after quite a while I am sitting around like a stale bottle of piss not knowing what is happening as the I cloud data indicator states this , Last Sync:22mar 2023 at 10:47:33 and it’s just sitting there as I have thousands of files they all are mainly in red meaning missing, so now I don’t know what is happening, as there is no indication anywhere that the loading process is still happening and I could be just wasting my time waiting for the rest of the songs to appear. Any suggestions?
I have pulled the sync thing and it has updated something but I have no idea what’s going on right now all I’m doing is praying other files are loading but nothing seems to be moving at a noticeable pace.