Click is fine. I use it. The Soundbrenner Pulse difference is that it is a vibrating metronome, so i don't have to listen for a click, or stare at a pulse. I can just feel it. You wear it as a watch on your wrist, your leg or around your chest, whatever works for you. (apparently popular with drummers). Multiple soundbrenners can be in synch, each with a different pulse, e.g. i like to set up a strumming pattern pulse to play too, but my wife prefers a traditional 1,2,3,4 metronome click. We set our own pattern, and sync the start and bpm and one of us taps the watch to start. Great to just use without the annoying tick of a traditional metronome and personalised as well.
If i am just using lyrics, i will start my pulse then start ST3, thats fine as it doesn't need to be 100% in synch. the screen will scroll through just fine.
If they were in synch, it would be nice and i could still use the pulse while having a backing track. Would i use it all the time, probably not. If its not in ST3 am i going to stop using st3, NO. But if a tempo feature is being considered, well I would probably just do what i do now rather than use a flashing screen, but i understand that will work for others. Just putting the idea forward for consideration.