Cool, thank you!
Is it possible to put the queue list at the bottom in portrait mode, with full width and height that’s about 25-30% of the lyrics window? I think that would look visually better. The number of songs/playtime and song duration info don’t fit the current width.
A few bugs:
- tap to add song to bottom not working (you already use tap to add to queue in song mode, that might be conflicting?). Actually, swipe right already moves the song to top, double tap could be used to move it to bottom instead.
- in portrait mode, double tap to move song to top, then turn the device to landscape: there are graphical glitches in the queue list, which persist if you turn it back to portrait mode and go away once text is offscreen or you use any gesture
- in song mode, select songs and add them to the queue: queue badge is not updated for those songs
- force close the app and open it again: queue badge “forgets” the number of songs in queue
- in settings, when swiping the audio volume back and forth a few times, it goes crazy 🙂
Feature requests:
- could we have dark mode in Song Details window also? 🙂
- in Song Details, double tapping song volume resets it to 0. Might be useful to add this functionality to the other sliders too
- a way to control main volume from the player screen. Maybe an option for the +/- volume buttons to control either song volume, playlist volume or device volume
- color option for the lyrics that are not highlighted (could be grayscale only)
Thanks again and have a nice day!