wakevortex could you explain steps 1 + 2 little more?
Actually it is quite similar to restoring the backup in version 2. You copy your songs and the backup file to the new iPad. For example via iTunes filesharing and then you restore the backup. It is the same with version 3.
musicadi Seeking through a song:
- play a song then hit Pause
- swipe over the waveform and seek a position
- hit Play. Playback starts later than it should (with about 9%)
Hm, I can't reproduce this. It is accurate for my songs. Could it be that you replaced the file with one with a different length?
Confirm, this is a bug!
musicadi Swipe through lyrics in portrait mode
Ah, I had this problem also in landscape mode some time ago. Seems like my fix worked only for landscape. Can confirm this problem.
OK, the main player needs to close automatically when the last song is deleted as there is no more song to be displayed.
musicadi instead of having to manually add lyrics to songs, it would be cool if the app would automatically add the lyrics when importing the song, if a .txt/.lrc file with the same name exists in the same folder.
This is on my todo list but will not make it into 3.0. Most likely the first feature update after that.
musicadi - closing the lyrics window is done with double-tapping. At first I assumed you have to swipe down for that, that might be handier (of course, that should only be active on the “waveform” part, to avoid opening iOS notification center 🙂 )
It is a single tap but you have to hit the icon, so it might feel like a double tap when you miss it. I will try to expand the hit area. Swiping does not work well here as it interferes with the swipe gesture on the waveform view.
musicadi - queue duration. Might be better to add it to the top instead, so you don’t have to swipe to the bottom of the queue to see that info
Good suggestion
musicadi - number of songs in Songs window could also be added to the top instead
Is this really an important information?
musicadi Lyrics scrolling visual coolness
I don't think I can do that. Just implementing the highlighting was a big big pain. That code is really messy and I don't think I can manage something better without studying rocket science.
musicadi - when replacing a file, the duration is not updated in the database. This could cause playback issues (ie. if the new file is longer, playback stops where the old file ended)
There is a refresh button on the song edit view. Refreshing file information needs to reread the whole file to render a new waveform view. That takes some time so I can't do that automatically when you select a file for playback for example. So you will need to refresh them manually after updating songs.
musicadi - tapping the “i” button enters edit mode, but tapping the arrow right of it adds the song/playlist to queue
- in Songs window, when you slowly pull down, the “refreshing” circle icon on top is acting weird and the actual updating starts only when you pulled until about the middle of the screen
This is done by iOS in that way. I can't change that behavior.
musicadi - importing from Google Drive: after tapping a file or “Open”, apparently nothing happens for 10-15 seconds (while the song is being downloaded). The “Importing” pop-up window could appear right after tapping
Unfortunately there is nothing I can do. The download process is handled by iOS and the app gets a notification after the download and not at the beginning. So ST does not even know that you hit the load button until the files have been downloaded. I myself do also think that the download indicator is way too small but here we have to hope that Apple will change that in the future.
musicadi - importing the same song with a different filename causes duplicates (obviously). Not sure if this is possible, but might be a good idea to have the app check for existing tags and ask which file you want to keep
Good idea. Not sure it will make it into 3.0, but I will add it to my todo list.
musicadi - would be cool to be able to sort the Songs library also by artist, track number and filename
Track numbers are not read from the id3 tags. But sorting by artist, title and date of import is already on my todo list for the next feature update.
musicadi - text files encoded in ISO-8859-1 are not being opened
Are you referring to plain text files? Are special characters broken or what exactly happens?
musicadi - the alphabet letters in Songs window could be using the tint color, this would help differentiate them better
I had them tinted in the beginning but as the tint color usually indicates something that can be tapped, I changed that to the text color. I will think about it.
musicadi - option to automatically fit the text size of lyrics to the window size
Changing text size has an immediate effect on scrolling speed and messes up predefined scrolling settings when you do not use timecoding. Therefore I have not yet implemented anything automatic in this regard.
musicadi - option to place the Play button either left or right
Yes, I would like to have a more configurable user interface but I have not yet found a solution on how to define an interface in a way that could be highly configurable. So here my coding skills are definitely a limiting factor.
musicadi - within a Playlist, the "Edit" button is basically obsolete, as you can swipe to delete songs and can also use drag and drop to reorder the tracks
You are right, I will remove it.
musicadi - after the song player shows up at the bottom of the screen, swipe to or towards the end of the song and hit Play
I can't reproduce it. But I will look for a crashlog in this area.