Hi Damir, I completely agree, you can’t please all the people all the time, as long as catering for the majority is all we can do.
Trouble is, I’ve been asked back to the venue repeatedly, and want to keep all the punters happy. 🥴
I sing all mainly old stuff, Sinatra, Dean Martin, Matt Monro, Nat King Cole, Elvis, M Buble, a few more modern songs that fit my style and are fun.
When I get asked for Zepplin, I just laugh and say no! I mean, we’re they actually listening to my style!?
I’ve been performing for around 30 years, previously in the West End, but now in hotels/care homes/weddings and funerals…
I’m still learning the who,what,where,why as I haven’t been doing this solo stuff for long. it’ll take time to learn that, for now though trying to make the process as smoothly as possible when performing.
ST3 is helping with that so much…
Thanks for the feedback. 👍