Hi, I am quite new to ST3, but loving it.
I have looked at many of the conversations on here, and it's great having such a responsive support network, with Peter being very hands on.
I was previously using Soundboard for my songs on iPad, and my songbook for my lyrics on iPod.
I have imported all songs over 200+, added and timestamped lyrics.
I've added certain keywords for basic easy searching.
I have also added the BPM, as I thought it would be a useful tool to somehow search using BPM, depending on how you read the crowd. It seems this is only a feature if using MIDI?
I don't use an instrument, I'm a solo vocalist, but this is by far the best app I could find. The host and slave feature is great...
Do you think I'd need to add more keywords to certain songs in a range of BPMs for those brackets etc?
Any thoughts?