BCMatt Can you give me an example of how this feature would work so I can get a feel for how you’ve designed it ?
Playing the last chord of a song while it rings and with the second songs 4 count click starting over top the ringing chord. Sorry for the ask but I’d like to see how you’d program that 😬👍🏻
Hi Matt, I’ve been thinking of you request and how I would do it the best way to appear seamless yet useful, and can think of two ways that might work but both are involved.
Using stereo tracks I would use the mix feature to achieve this but in combination with left channel to be your main program and right channel the click track , by recording a click beat only on the right channel of every song this then only used for band monitoring so as you are on that final reverb note of the song you hit Xfade but also make sure you set the Xfade feature to start next song full level in settings and perhaps set Xfade a bit longer this might have to be experimented with to find the sweet spot, this then gives you a natural Xfade out of your song and the next song starts full level but you will only hear the count in click in you in-ears or fold back so you just go with the new click to kick you off with the new song.
This should work very similarly with multitrack but I am not sure if Xfade works with multitrack in not then you are stuck with stereo tracks and left main right click option, this also means lots of prep work on all your songs , but if you are just starting I would go that way if you need that click to kick in at end of song endings.
Good luck Damir