• Features
  • Overlapping of song in a playlist

Greetings ST3 Users !!
I am looking for guidance in what I would call the “overlapping” of tunes in my playlist.
I need to start a song after the song before it is about to end. When that songs last chord has been played I want my intro count (Click) of that song to play over top of the song that has just ended for a seamless transition. I know there is a fade in/out between songs but I don’t want a fade I just want it be full volume so I don’t miss the count. I hope this makes sense, i am very interested in any ideas or possible new features that would accommodate this in the future !!
I LOVE the new StageTraxx !! ❤️❤️

That's not possible at the moment. You can only crossfade. But I have already an item on my todo list for version 3.6 that will let you fade out the current song and start the next song with full volume.

7 months later

Peter !!! Greetings from Canada …

Have you been able to work on this feature yet ?
Does the 36.1 version have this option ??

    BCMatt the latest version does a ship load more than that 😂

    a month later

    Can you give me an example of how this feature would work so I can get a feel for how you’ve designed it ?
    Playing the last chord of a song while it rings and with the second songs 4 count click starting over top the ringing chord. Sorry for the ask but I’d like to see how you’d program that 😬👍🏻

      BCMatt Can you give me an example of how this feature would work so I can get a feel for how you’ve designed it ?
      Playing the last chord of a song while it rings and with the second songs 4 count click starting over top the ringing chord. Sorry for the ask but I’d like to see how you’d program that 😬👍🏻

      Hi Matt, I’ve been thinking of you request and how I would do it the best way to appear seamless yet useful, and can think of two ways that might work but both are involved.
      Using stereo tracks I would use the mix feature to achieve this but in combination with left channel to be your main program and right channel the click track , by recording a click beat only on the right channel of every song this then only used for band monitoring so as you are on that final reverb note of the song you hit Xfade but also make sure you set the Xfade feature to start next song full level in settings and perhaps set Xfade a bit longer this might have to be experimented with to find the sweet spot, this then gives you a natural Xfade out of your song and the next song starts full level but you will only hear the count in click in you in-ears or fold back so you just go with the new click to kick you off with the new song.
      This should work very similarly with multitrack but I am not sure if Xfade works with multitrack in not then you are stuck with stereo tracks and left main right click option, this also means lots of prep work on all your songs , but if you are just starting I would go that way if you need that click to kick in at end of song endings.

      Good luck Damir

        Why don’t you just import both tracks into your DAW of choice and export them as one track in the way you want them to behave.

          BCMatt Song specific crossfades are not possible. What you can do is setup your crossfade times to fade out over 4 seconds and and fade in to 0. That way you would hear the count in while the previous track fades out.

          But this is a global setting and would be applied to all crossfades.

          HughB Why don’t you just import both tracks into your DAW of choice and export them as one track in the way you want them to behave.

          Yes that’s an option but it’s limiting as you are stuck with the two songs order, my 2 track stereo option behaves as required no matter what playlist order you choose you can Xfade to any song , hear the click of next song as the old song fades out , the right channel feeds the band while the left Chanel feeds the audience, both tracks to be mono identical tracks , this is relatively simple yet very effective and a mono signal to the audience is always a good way to go as the whole venue hears the backing track evenly mixed no matter where they are positioned in the room.

          Damir Thanks for all the ideas guys, I’ve been using StageTraxx for about 5yrs or so and I do mix my tracks with the click on the left side-main track on the right and I monitor the click to maintain time while playing my acoustic to tracks. All I’m trying to achieve is to cut the delay between songs by being able to overlap them for a seamless transition without that delay. I’m the only one that hears the click but I need the click to begin while I’m ending a song so by the time that song ends I’m strumming the first chord of the second song with no gaps or dead air. It sounds like this is not possible …… and if it is it would not be something I could do for each individual song - but only globally / universally ??
          Sorry for being difficult and persistent I thought it was a good idea but maybe it’s only a good idea for me !!! LOL. HughB - I do have songs that I track together w/ my DAW but that limits me but that might be my only solution.
          Peter - You have created the best tracks APP and I currently love using it in my live shows - thank you for your passion - that passion is why this is the best app in the business to track and play live music !! Rock on everyone and thanks again !!

          In that case it might work to set the crossfade out time to whatever you need for the click (4 seconds or whatever) and set the crossfade in time to 0. Now enable autoplay for your playlist. That should have the desired effect.

            peter In that case it might work to set the crossfade out time to whatever you need for the click (4 seconds or whatever) and set the crossfade in time to 0. Now enable autoplay for your playlist. That should have the desired effect.

            Also make sure you click starts immediately on all your songs , I know it’s obvious but just in case some songs are not immediate start the Xfade is going to be unpredictable.
            So by having a slightly longer out Xfade time allows your reverb of last note to linger while half way through the Xfade you get an immediate start of the click to guide you to start the new song.
            If you need an earlier start of new song so it sounds like you have no silent beats between the songs then you are better off editing this in post.Doing it live is just unnecessary stress on stage and you might always be slightly out of time to get perfect results. But as a nice live transition it works ok for most of the time it actually is showing the audience you are also playing live I find too perfect performances boring I like to see some imperfections that’s what makes the show interesting.

            Yah, it’s not working and obviously, I’m not getting it.

            Thanks for trying !!

            What exactly is not working? Can you give more details?