Hi this a little bit off topic, but if anyone has problems with the Digit lll on/off button, here's a quick fix below.
I’ve had my Digit lll quite a few years now - maybe 10! And over the years, I’ve noticed the on/off button has become increasingly difficult to operate. In the end, I had to resort to using a ballpoint pen lid to push the button down real hard to switch on or off. Later, it ceased working altogether.
So I took it apart ( just two tiny screws hold it together) and then lifted out the whole circuit board (remembering which way to put it back) and underneath the circuit board, held in place in what is the top plastic piece, is the turquoise control panel which you need to carefully lift out of its housing (no screws involved here).
Then, locate the on/off button and on the underside you will see under the button a tiny black semicircular part. This conducts electricity and switches the Digital lll on and off, amongst its other functions.
Now, this is the interesting bit: What you need to do is cut a piece of unused (perfectly flat) kitchen foil to fit over the black semicircular part. It needs to be about 1cm in length and .5cm wide. As it needs to be folded over three times, the dimensions given are only approximate.
Now, put a very small amount of Super Glue on to the black contact point, then fold up the foil, after applying glue to each fold. Finally, place the folded foil on to the back contact point and hold in place for a full minute.
Then carefully replace the turquoise control panel in its housing, followed by the circuit board, ensuring the two screws which hold it in position, are correctly located in their respective holes.
Tighten the screws and - JOB DONE! Your Digit lll should now work perfectly!