Autoplay switch works perfectly now in playlist.
Autoplay behaviour when switching to different playlists is also great now it is a lot more user friendly.
Autoplay switch position is still very wrong as it dissapears as you scroll down the playlist.
New EQ is perfect, but a bit harder to get to if needing a quick tweek but its sooo much better i can live with it.
Filter does not seem to work now, i entered Test in to a songs keyword went in to SONG applied a filter to only find Test, it did have Test as an option but it didnt find anything, i also did resync the Song folder and i restarted ST3 but still nothing in the search.
Sort by and Filter buttons are still in a bad position just like Auto play they all dissapear when you are using the lists leaving a filter setting in place is outright dangerous on stage as all your songs are not available but you cant easily see or change the settings as the feature is not permanently in view and yet its a feature constantly needed.
I would prefer to see less of the list then to be continually scroling to the begining of a 10,000 song folder.
I like the Queu selection option switch in settings, it makes ST3 a bit simpler for newbies and an option of a different way of operation.
I dont like that ST3 allways starts in SONG mode when started, i would rather it starts in the screen it was shut down in so everyone is happy.
You just fire it up and bang you are off and running where you last shut down.
Most likely in a playlist.
I would have a couple song files already loaded with synced information as an example, so a new purcheser can quickly experiance the power of ST3.
2 files in a Demonstration playlist
This way they are not confronted with an empty screen scratching their heads to what to do next, once they choose a demo song and have it display the lyrics that virtually can instruct them to how the program operates they will fall in love immediately.