I broke the mini tip off inside my iPad Pro and after many technicians trying to remove the tip with no luck I bought a new iPad to play a gig I was booked for out of town.
My question is: The new iPad doesn't have enough memory to load my Stagetraxx backup. I can delete files to streamline a playist for this gig but I want to make sure I'm not deleting needed audio files. For example I have many files that start with NB (No Bass) for when I play with a bass player which I do not need for this upcoming solo gig. I want to delete them all and create a new playlist and Save a Backup that I can restore on the new iPad.
I get an alert that says: Deleting Song - Do you also want to delete appending audio and PDF files?
If I click YES will that affect other versions of the song?
What would be really cool is COLLECT function similar to what Adobe uses when saving an InDesign File or ProTools does. It finds all files used and packs them into a folder. I use some of the same audio files for different playlists and often will change the key or speed depending on who I'm gigging with.
For example, if I have a playlist "Gig Set with Bass Player" it would be cool to have it collect all the source audio files and allow me to load it only when needed. "Gig Set Solo" would always be visible but if I needed "Gig set with Guitar Player" I could load those files if they had been altered.
Love Stagetraxx!!! Been here from the beginning and it's the BEST