Hello and best wishes to everyone for 2024, with lots of music and use of @peter 's great app!
I have questions regarding regions and assignments:
- "Start/Stop" function: During a loop, I would like it if when I press to pause and when I press again to restart the song, it restarts at the start of the loop (like on the beatBuddy by example) so as to be sure that I am on the first beat of the measure. Would this be possible?
- "Select next audio region" function: When I press, it remains on the current region and I have to wait for one more passage in the current region to move on to the next one, or else press it twice which is not practical during singing. If there is a usefulness for some to this last transition of region before the next with this function, can we not add an additional function "Jump to next audio region" which would pass to this new region directly to the end of the current region without making an additional turn?
Thank you so much,