• Beta
  • Open Beta Version 3.8.0

peter Update. This morning I updated to the iPadOS 16.7 (previously was 14.7.1). Visual metronome now works! In the songs properties I can see Tap near the BPM value, same as in the drop down menu. Previously (14.7.1) it was just a blue square and metronome didn't work.
But out of sync multitrack playback is still a thing, same drifts (it's very noticeably when start playing from a region).

    SignalProducer I got the logfiles and can see that Stage Traxx successfully detects the drift and tries to correct it. It seems that these corrections are not successful and I think the reason is that you are connected to Audiobus. That somehow prevents the drift correction. Could you try if the problem still happens when not running with Audiobus?

    As to why this happens now and not in version 3.7: I felt confident with the added drift correction to lower the startup latency for multitrack files from 250ms to 50ms. I think that might be the reason for these issues. I will revert it back to 250ms in the next update and we will see if that fixes it.

    Olivier I notice that when you remove the dark mode (depending on the brightness to see better on a white background), the text of the lyrics is no longer visible (because it is also white).

    Restarting the app fixes that. The problem occurs only directly after making the switch (and also going int the other direction). I will fix this in the next update.

    New Beta build 8869

    A weekend without gigs means I was busy with another beta build 🙂

    Regarding the multitrack fix: Each track needs a bit of time to start playing. Therefore the playback start of multitrack songs is a bit delayed when you hit the start button. This gives each track time to prepare playback to be in sync. I have reduced the startup delay from 250ms to 50ms as I felt confident this is enough (my iPad 7 needs about 40ms to prepare playback for 8 tracks). But apparently this is not enough. It seems some files need much more time to prepare and I saw that even 250ms might not be enough to prepare 8 tracks. So now there is a type of delay compensation that I use when starting playback. It is not sample accurate but kicks in only if the current track is started later than the startup delay (now back at 250ms).


    • Renamed menu item for loading stsa files


    • Multitrack song tracks could start out of sync
    • Loading stsa files from other folders results in file not found error
    • Network clients not using setting for highlight position
    • Searchbar sometimes visible on iPhones in big player landscape mode and sometimes not. It is now always hidden.
    • Lyrics color not updated when switching between dark mode settings

      I’ve done my gig today with the beta (8861) it was very solid, I felt a couple of tracks seemed like a little (hardly noticeable) out of sync but not enough to be a huge issue.

      It feels like the app is solid, it works, it was great to be able to route two mono tracks into my helix path (stereo usb) and thus automatically panning them left/right being able to separate the click and the bass without panning on the app.

      Only saw the new update when I got home, this gig from today was with a drummer, everything worked as expected and planned and I’m pretty excited for the next duo gig in November.

      Well done Peter, this is great. I’ll be with 6 tracks until official release and then split to 8 those tracks that needs to be split further.

      peter Renamed menu item for loading stsa files

      Much clearer now 👍

      And I like the export number of songs exported distinguishes the files names of multiple different size exports are made 👍

      I did this and it didn’t work😩
      I hit edit, chose 2 songs and exported to downloads , I then deleted one of those songs in ST3 beta then I imported the exported .stsa file and chose the option don’t import existing songs, expecting that the one song I deleted would appear this did not work I then loaded the two songs and chose update files and data this didn’t work.

        Hi Peter,
        I had a song transposed in multitrack but after update it’s back to original key and the transpose function is gone within song mode.

        Sorry all good. Pls delete

        Damir I hit edit, chose 2 songs and exported to downloads , I then deleted one of those songs in ST3 beta then I imported the exported .stsa file and chose the option don’t import existing songs, expecting that the one song I deleted would appear this did not work I then loaded the two songs and chose update files and data this didn’t work.

        Did you maybe delete it from the playlist? Not from the song list?

          peter Did you maybe delete it from the playlist? Not from the song list?

          No I deleted one of the songs in the SONG list the plan was to see if the don’t import existing song option was actually working, and the song that was now missing was not imported.
          I then tried to import both songs and overwrite the one that existed, but this still didn’t import the other song, in actual fact I don’t know if the still existing song was overwritten either.
          I think this is just not doing anything.

            How do you load .STPL files?

            What is a .STPL File?

            When you save this type of file it is not clear to what you are actually doing or what you will end up with .
            You say, share playlist as, Playlist file , but you save it with no distinction , you need to let us know what to look for , once it’s saved, a clue would be ,share playlist file as .STPL PLAYLIST FILE , even though we don’t know what the abbreviation means we get a clue to look for the .stpl file instead of a .stsa or we have no clue to what we are looking for, especially if the extensions are turned off in settings so you don’t see the .stsa or .stpl at all , then you would have no idea to what file is what.

            I like the self naming of playlist name this helps a lot when saving full playlists.

            Sorry I’m writing things as I discover them so I am a bit all over the place.

            Issue with out of sync playback is fixed in the new Beta 8869. 6 tracks songs are playing perfectly. When I add 2 more tracks to test all available slots in a multitrack song ST3 playing those 2 new tracks out of sync. Restarting the app solves that problem. Crossfade between 8 tracks songs is smooth, no issues there.

              Damir Exporting selected songs from a playlist crashes on iOS. Works only on macOS. This will be fixed in the next update. But I can not reproduce your loading issues. If I export 2 songs, then delete one of those songs and load the exported file, all load options work as expected.

              SignalProducer Could you send me your logfiles anyway? I would like to take a look at how long the playback now needs to initialize on your device.

              Btw, I guess the next update will be the release candidate. I feel confident that version will be stable enough for general release. So most likely the release of version 3.8 will be next week 🙂

                peter Damir Exporting selected songs from a playlist crashes on iOS. Works only on macOS. This will be fixed in the next update. But I can not reproduce your loading issues. If I export 2 songs, then delete one of those songs and load the exported file, all load options work as expected.

                Thats strange, i will do the test again perhaps it could be something to do with me creating the exported files in ST3 and importing them in to the Beta version, i havent tried exporting on Beta and importing on beta, perhaps i will try both again.

                peter Exporting selected songs from a playlist crashes on iOS. Works only on macOS. This will be fixed in the next update

                Perhaps that’s why I experienced the fault I might have used playlist export, I have tested song .stsa export using ST3 to Beta to export in song mode on iPhone and also beta to beta and it works fine so I will keep a close eye on this feature , I think it’s a lot simpler to use now that the renaming is labeled better and I like the self naming of exported files it works for us quite nicely and we can always rename the export if specific naming is required.
                Well done.

                New Beta build 8874

                Finally, this is the release candidate for version 3.8.0 🙂

                If nothing unexpected happens I will release the final version next week.

                Thanks for all your feedback!


                • Updated what's new dialog


                • Crash when sharing multiple songs from within a playlist
                • Possible crash on iOS17 and macOS Sonoma when opening multitrack configuration in new song
                • Possible crash when using the search functionality

                Hi Peter, feedback, i have saved on ST3 my full playlist i use to perform which has 377 songs in .stsa format and i successfully imported this file in 3.8 beta but i noticed something, having 377 songs it takes a lot of time to create the .stsa file and there is no indication that the software is number crunching so the user thinks nothing is happening the same thing as you import this file it takes ages but there is no indication anything is happening i almost shut down the software to restart it thinking it froze but i suspected it was taking time so i persavered and sure enough yes it all eventually worked , we need a visual spinning wheel to let us know to be patient.

                Secondly i still dont know how to import .stpl files , i can export in this format but i cant work out how to import this file format, or am i missing something?
                Had 2 large gigs lately and kicked ass but i am always having the same issue with hitting the area which drops down the main screen which is rather frustrating because when i stop play to engage the crowd and then i go to select my next loop i actually accidentally bring down the screen which is at the moment where i am totally engaging the crowd and its the last thing i need to be unnecessarily interrupted by something i never want , this has happened at least one every gig , its really off-putting to use loops, hope you c@n come up with a solution.
                Im really looking forward to the new features especially the visual metronome i could have really done with it last two gigs , i can really see its potential now.
                Great work!

                  Hello everyone,
                  Last night I used Steve's great application for the first time in concert (previously I had my samples on Beatbuddy controlled by pedals and the lyrics in PDF).
                  I encountered a problem and I don't know if it's related to the beta version or to my configuration, so I'll detail it all for you:
                  The problem encountered is that there is latency between the moment I press my airtun pedal and the audio starts. This poses a problem every time we make an introduction before starting the audio (example if we do a simple restart on the bass and the audio must start on the 3rd beat of the measure, this does not work, the audio starts later on the 4th or 1st of the next measure and it's annoying because I can't anticipate it, even by pressing a little before on the pedal I can't get it in tune, which does not occur on the beatbuddy which starts the moment you press).
                  I initially thought that this could be due to the fact that the tablet was connected via bluetooth to my xr18 sound system, so I connected a cable to the headphone output but that didn't work either
                  My tested configuration:

                  • iPad Air 2 iOS 15.7.9
                  • Traxx3 BETA training application Version 3.8 (8874)
                  • Another musician connected to my session to view his scores always at the right time (it's so great, well done Peter!)
                  • Air turn PED PRO bluetooth pedal (I also tried with an iRig BlueTurn and it's the same thing, and even without a pedal I feel this lag by simply pressing the green play button on the application)
                  • The titles were multitrack (with only one active track - Drums)

                  Thank you very much for your clarification, has anyone ever had this problem?
                  (Message translated by Google translate)

                    peter awesome Peter the best Application by far
                    I truly appreciate all your hard work creating this brilliant tool for all us entertainers
                    Thank you Peter, Genius 🎸👍

                    Hi Peter
                    Sorry but as you will see in my last post, this latency problem does not seem to be resolved, I am having a problem with this (more details in my post)
                    Is there a way for me to measure this latency to compare it between a single track song and a multitrack for example, or also between version 3.7.5(8793) and 3.8 (8874) in the different modes please?
                    Thanks again for all this work

                    I add that I have just tested the following:
                    If I create a single track title with just a kick in audio, and the same audio on a multitrack title, I can see that:

                    • On the single track, we hear the audio at the same time as the Play button turns red (for pause)
                    • On the multitrack, the sound comes after seeing the red color of the button
                      (I don't know of any other way to measure latency more precisely, sorry ;-)