Traxx responds late and does Not Show the playing tracks but the previous.
Search is almost impossible
Stops showing playlist
All kinds of problems on ipad.
Using the iPhone i have more problems

Please write detailed steps how to reproduce your issues. This seems to be an isolated problem on your side so I guess it is not a problem with the app but a usage problem.

    peter After start up the program it works fine.
    After playing a few tracks i notice that search funtion works slowly.
    Then i choose a new track and it does Not change annymore
    I have filmed it.
    Later it plays a new track and shows lyric and name of previous
    Update: screen stays on a Song but plays other songs.
    I had last week same problem with iphone stage Traxx
    I use your app for several years, never had a problem.

    In this test: no . Only ST

    It i shut down stage Traxx and start again it works oke During a few songs. Then the problems come back

    I reinistalled stage traxxx And An older backup i knew i had No problems at that time.
    Now it looks like i am in An program modus

    Ah I see the issue with the wrong songs displayed. Thanks for the videos. I did not understand your description of the issue but this was a bug on iOS16 which version 3.6.10 got fixed. So please make sure you are now running version 3.6.10.

    The second issue is fixed in the current beta version. I only saw it happen when you use the option to automatically open the lyrics viewer when you hit play. So please disable it in version 3.6.10. Here is the original post about this issue:

    9 months later

    I stil have problems playing tracks and lyrics. The Ipad has problems again that after a few songs played traxx does not show the current playing song. It shows stil the previous played but the audio of the new started track is runing

    Which version of Stage Traxx are you running currently on which iOS version?

    3.8.7 8899 iPad 16.7

    And the Search song field disappered [

    The search song field is visible in your screenshot. Do you mean something else?

    I have a test device with iOS 16.7 and I don't see this issue. How can I reproduce it?

    Can you maybe send me a short video of the problem?

      peter the Search Field suddenly disappeared . Clicked on new Song it Fame back and disappeared emediatly
      Shut traxx down and the Problem solved Till 9/ 10 Songs…

      I had another issue using it

      I need a way to reproduce it. Could you record a short video of the issue? That might give me a clue what I need to do to see the issue myself. From mere screenshots I can not judge how you got there.

      EDIT: OK, I see the issue with the missing search field. Seems this has been introduced in the latest iOS16 update. If you can, update to iOS17 which does not have this problem.

      Is the correct song displayed if you close and reopen lyrics view?

      After lots of debugging, the issue with the search field is caused by an update of the library I use to show the lyrics view. It seems to have a bug on versions before iOS17. I have identified which version introduced the bug and will roll back to a prior version. I guess that should also take care of the white background color in your screenshot.

      But I still need a way to reproduce the problem with the song not changing.

      • Does it only happen with or without autoplay? Or in both?
      • In your above screenshot, the title in the player shows a different song than in the list. Which one is actually playing?


        I do not use the auto play.
        I do not remember which song played during the screenshot. BUT i remember that i played the song that says “ played” but i Cannon find it in the History list.

        So, what do you do to see the error? Please give me a step by step guide.

        Tonight the system went down.
        Latency by pushing any Button
        Screen blanc
        Songs disapear After starting
        Music falter

        Please send my your logfiles together with the time when it started to act up. Do this via Settings > Create Support Email.