Hi Peter, here are some thoughts to ponder over as I am in a weird user situation , on the road with 2 devices and my third device at home in Australia, If I had left the iMac on and iCloud synced with ST3 running, it would be impossible for me to turn it off so it does not interfere as it’s automatically updating iCloud, so in my case I would want to be able to erase the iCloud on my portable devices reload or create a new iCloud database and start from scratch , this then will automatically change my iMac in Australia and update my other portable device that’s with me, and that’s ok but not necessarily , what if i don’t want this to happen as my iMac is my master device where I complete all my work and I want to keep it unchanged , I would want that device to manually update my other devices as I choose when , plus when I turn on iCloud I would like to see how many iCloud files are there and how many files are on my device before I make a choice do I want to sync with ICloud or not , this means a manual switch and a sync button or an auto sync switch to choose which devices will be automatically controlled by iCloud without choice , it means your master device like IMac in Australia can be set to manual control so you can see the iCloud file count and the iMac file count and decide if you want to sync to it or ignore it and restart a new iCloud from your master device as your other devices on your trip have just been temporarily using iCloud as convenience while away.
I am just pointing out that iCloud can be used in many useful ways if setup to work correctly,
So by turning on iCloud on devices if you are in manual mode you are just monitoring your iCloud system and have choice if or when you sync to iCloud while in auto mode it’s instant.
An easy way of deleting iCloud folder to be present in the ST3 iCloud settings so you have full control of your iCloud needs within ST3 itself.
Most important data to user is ICLOUD file count compared to DEVICE file count to see if they are in sync, then the time of sync then lastly the date of sync with day month year starting from left to right on screen , as we know what year it is this should be last on the screen so if it gets chopped of as on iPhone in portrait mode who cares, the most important data is file count which should be on left side as we read from left to right.
So my ideal iCloud interface would be , turn it on , let me see what file count is in iCloud, let me see what ST3 file count is, now let me decide to turn on automatic sync to ICloud or just stay as you are and let me hit the sync now button for a once off sync to iCloud, or let me just delete all iCloud then sync to it once off, or delete all iCloud then choose auto sync to it from now on , this gives us all the information we need if we just want to see it before we make steps that suit us all in the one spot.
Just pondering cause the huge thunderstorms have been keeping me awake 😵💫
Cheers Damir