Sharonzaz every single time i touch a song i gotta see this ''added to queue'' msg which drives me insane!
Just enable the Double tap mode. You will then need to double tap a song if you want it added to the queue.
You could already run the app like the previous if you use your playlists like you did. Organize your songs in playlists and then tap the play button in the playlist view. It will replace the queue with the playlist including autoplay settings. That's basically the same process as in version 2.
SoloGuy That is if... IF when a song gets moved to the top of the queue, the app also auto scrolls to the top of the queue with that song highlighted.
Yes it does that if you are in the queue. So if double tap on a song at the bottom of the queue, it will scroll up. If you work from the song list, the view will stay in the song list. It would be too confusing if the view would switch back to the queue.