Hi Peter, just a quick thought to improve usability for those not using remotes.
Without remotes it is virtually impossible to use small loop regions , a great number of songs have very short intros/endings this then becomes a big problem, a simple button like permanent loop would allow us to manoeuvre to the very small loops , especially if they were brighter in colour by having no waveform within them since we cant read the loop names at least a clear colour would help , at the moment certain colours are indistinguishable as they appear very similar in small loops , finger choosing is not possible without fiddling and if you hit the wrong loop you then have to cycle through the wrong loop to turn it off then try again to hit the small loop , by then you are out of time and it becomes useless, so by having a definite larger button option to scroll through loops it is a lot more reliable and possible to choose the small loops.
Better control of loops
Sorry, I will not change that.
peter so what other solution is there to solve a very common problem?
I have a lot of songs with small loops, the endings are very handy to cut the song short yet I have no means to activate that loop.
Lots of endings are short because they end on beat one and have reverb this makes them very useful because the ending beat one actually works with a lot of different loops within the song, this makes the end short loop very handy, but it can’t be easily selected by finger, is there a better option you can think off , I rarely need a permanent loop but I always need to select different loops , I frequently repeat a loop but I hardly ever need a permanent loop I always touch the loop itself as it only gives me one repeat this works great , then I either just let the song play on or I have an option to select another loop.
I also believe this to be true with majority of users.
Can you give me the reason to why the permanent loop is more important, I remember a while back you thought the same about the looping logic and the loop editor logic now both are a much better operationally, because you listened to me, this is the same case , I am only pointing out the logical importance of functions .
Yes it’s nice to have an easy way to permanently loop a section , but it would be nicer to have a way to select short loops,
I can always touch a loop to make it permanent on the run but I can’t select a very short ending or loop which I would never want to permanent loop, so the logical solution should be selecting loops is more important than permanent looping.
Perhaps ask others to what they would prefer if they were live on stage without a pedal and having short loops in their song.
Perhaps make it an option and let us decide which we prefer.
Cheers Damir
With the assignable buttons you can select any region and trigger the loop.
peter With the assignable buttons you can select any region and trigger the loop.
Yes you can do that if you have a foot pedal, and I do that but I was talking about the usability of the interface when you don’t use a foot pedal.I often have small gigs where I just use the iPad itself, this is where the problem of selecting small loop becomes a great issue and it could be fixed to some degree by having a dedicated select button where you can easily move to a very small loop ending and finish a song. But what I have is a very handy permanent loop button that I don’t really need, normally when I need a repeat I am within a loop that is large enough to hit and get a single repeat which is all I need but when I need that small loop which is quite often to end the song , I can’t get to it as the loop is too small to hit then I end up hitting the neighbouring loop by accident which then creates more stress on stage than it’s worth.
For now the simplest solution is to give me a select button that allows me to easily get around loops on iPad and especially iPhone as it’s even smaller. The permanent loop button to me is worth nothing a select button is worth everything.
Peter I was just thinking of a possible solution to loop selection on devices so I’ll mention it to you and see what you think, what about if you long touch the waveform and it amplifies the area you have your finger on then slide to where you need and on release it makes the selection, this then allows users to run as usual but for those little loops you have an option to bring them out larger and be certain when you release the finger it’s what you have selected.
It’s just a thought for the new version.
I really like the loop editing now it’s actually fun to use, I like the loop selection general idea but it has flaws on stage, I wish it was all the way from left to right to maximise the length on small devices and that I could select all loops quickly and reliably, now I am being really critical here, it’s good as is but not great as it could be.
Easy access to lyrics editing / loop editing, double tapping on waveform opens loop editor, double tap on lyrics screen opens Lyrics editor and I would be in heaven.
Cheers Damir
Lishy why do you need to loop such a tiny section out of interest? And if using a foot pedal solves your problem why don’t you just use that?
Hi Lishy, I do use a foot pedal on most gigs and that does work to a reasonable point, but there are the small quick gigs that I sometimes just use the iPad itself, this is when small loops become a problem.Especially if I was to use my iPhone Max Pro which is quite usable but not when it comes to small loops.
All my songs are broken down it to loops all the way from intro to end this gives me full control over all of them , the problem is the intros and endings are normally quite small and there are occasional breaks in songs that are dearly small but very useful when you are needing to tease the audience , but the problem is the selecting of them is virtually impossible by finger, so if I had a button like the permanent loop button to step through loops this would allow me to correctly select the small loops , at the moment it’s a Russian roulette game and I don’t like the odds of making a fool of myself on stage.
The permanent loop button is perfect for solving this problem but all it offers is permanent looping which is the last thing I need.
- Edited
Lishy if the foot pedal works then why can’t you just use that on your smaller gigs?
Number of reasons, the convenience, not having to setup another device and have good batteries in it, if I have to replace batteries on stomp 6 it involves a screwdriver and six screws to undo/redo , so I only use the pedal on larger gigs with bigger stages and audiences , small party gigs suit me better to run without a pedal as it is a lot more convenient to change loops directly on the iPad as you don’t have to step through 12 loops , you instantly select a loop by finger and it takes no time but it has its drawbacks small loops are hard to choose, the audience is normally small and spread around the venue and not fully focused on me so I can get away with touching the iPad to change loops but I always use a remote on guitar to start stop songs , I sometimes use my iPhone for party gigs , well this becomes really hard to manipulate loops but if I had a dedicated button to step through the tiny loops I could get away with this while performing, but not the way it is now the loops just become too small yet a simple selection method would easily cater for this, a permanent loop button does absolutely nothing for me yet it would really make a big difference if it was a loop selection button.