peter With the assignable buttons you can select any region and trigger the loop.
Yes you can do that if you have a foot pedal, and I do that but I was talking about the usability of the interface when you don’t use a foot pedal.I often have small gigs where I just use the iPad itself, this is where the problem of selecting small loop becomes a great issue and it could be fixed to some degree by having a dedicated select button where you can easily move to a very small loop ending and finish a song. But what I have is a very handy permanent loop button that I don’t really need, normally when I need a repeat I am within a loop that is large enough to hit and get a single repeat which is all I need but when I need that small loop which is quite often to end the song , I can’t get to it as the loop is too small to hit then I end up hitting the neighbouring loop by accident which then creates more stress on stage than it’s worth.
For now the simplest solution is to give me a select button that allows me to easily get around loops on iPad and especially iPhone as it’s even smaller. The permanent loop button to me is worth nothing a select button is worth everything.
Peter I was just thinking of a possible solution to loop selection on devices so I’ll mention it to you and see what you think, what about if you long touch the waveform and it amplifies the area you have your finger on then slide to where you need and on release it makes the selection, this then allows users to run as usual but for those little loops you have an option to bring them out larger and be certain when you release the finger it’s what you have selected.
It’s just a thought for the new version.
I really like the loop editing now it’s actually fun to use, I like the loop selection general idea but it has flaws on stage, I wish it was all the way from left to right to maximise the length on small devices and that I could select all loops quickly and reliably, now I am being really critical here, it’s good as is but not great as it could be.
Easy access to lyrics editing / loop editing, double tapping on waveform opens loop editor, double tap on lyrics screen opens Lyrics editor and I would be in heaven.
Cheers Damir