I've just come across this interesting thread.
I think the idea of a track which is simply a pointer to another playlist which auto-plays is an interesting one.
For me, I'd be happy if auto-play could simply be enabled cross-playlist and between playlist and song list.
I use auto-play heavily, I even have a range of silent tracks (30s, 1m, etc) scheduled in the playlist for when I want to speak.
However, if I need to break out of playlist 1 to select a song on another playlist or on the main song library, auto-play ceases.
It'd be great if:
Given a song on playlist 1 is playing,
When I select a song on playlist 2.
Then, when playlist 1 song is finished, auto-play continues with the selected song on playlist 2.
I'd think that would solve the issue for me with, I presume, a lot less dev effort for Peter.
I'd also be delighted if someone said... Seamus.. .that's already available you idiot!
Thanks in advance :-)