• Features
  • Additional assign action request

Hi Peter, would it be possible to add a restart song option to assign actions at all? Reason being if I'm controlling 3 ipads from a footswitch and we start a song but then need to stop and restart it, it would make this process a lot easier than doing it manually on all 3.

    Lishy hi lishy, are you aware you can set the stop command in settings to automatically jump back to beginning of song, which will give you exactly what you want?

      Is there a reason why you do not use the remote network features? That would be way more flexible than controlling multiple devices with a single pedal.

        Damir I’d want to be able to stop it and be able to restart it. Is that possible?

          peter do you using the network host feature? how would that be more flexible? I’d still want to be able to restart a song if needed whether I’m controlling one or three iPads. Is it possible at all?

          peter can I still make it just stop if I want or is it an either or thing?

            Lishy if you set your stop button to auto rewind you will get exactly what you want, if you start a song and change your mind hit stop the auto rewind automatically cues the song to beginning and then you hit start and off you go again.
            I believe that was your feature request in the first writing.
            If you choose this as an option then that’s what will happen all the time I prefer pause as it’s something I can use in a song where you can pause at a tacit do your thing then unpause to continue, this to me is more useful and safer if you accidentally hit stop in the other two modes you are buggered, and rewind to next song is possible with Xfade anyway so why double up on controls.

              Lishy This is only an either/or option. I could add a rewind to beginning action in version 3.7. But until then I would suggest you use the network hosting feature where all seek commands are transferred to connected clients. So you are not limited to play from the beginning.

              Btw, how did you connect a pedal to multiple iPads? As far as I know it only connects to one device.

                peter I use the Xsonic AIRSTEP where you can connect up to 3 Bluetooth devices at once.

                Damir I’m using a footswitch and can choose to have such an option on a long press so i wouldn’t accidentally press it. Would just be nice to have a separate stop and rewind function.

                  Lishy I’m using a footswitch and can choose to have such an option on a long press so i wouldn’t accidentally press it. Would just be nice to have a separate stop and rewind function.

                  Peter has a double tap feature for starting which is great to stop accidental hits and if you select STOP to rewind to beginning this then allows you to quickly get to beginning of song incase of a false start.
                  All on one switch and automated.

                  Perhaps if you explain in detail what you are trying to do we might be able to help

                    Damir As I said I use a footswitch so I'm not overly concerned about accidental hits. I would just like a separate midi assignable stop and rewind function.

                      Lishy midi assignable stop and rewind function.

                      So you mean you have a MIDI device like a keyboard and you want to have a key press for STOP and another key press for REWIND using midi not Bluetooth ?
                      Or you are using Bluetooth pedal and just want a rewind button as a seperate control because stop is already available but rewind is not?

                        Damir I have a Bluetooth footswitch pedal and the latter yes.

                          Lishy yes I see, so you have STOP but you don’t want the auto rewind when you hit stop you want this command available as a seperate foot switch control so when you hit stop it pauses but you would rather have a separate rewind switch so you have full control of when you want to rewind.
                          Yes I can see your need, perhaps Peter can accomodate as not all people have same needs.
                          I also suggested exactly the same thing with no luck when it comes to the actual software interface, my need was the same but touching the screen, at the moment there is no rewind to beginning button you have to scroll within the waveform area to get to the beginning of tracks, this is slow , my suggestion was very simple and logical , to get to beginning of song while in stop just select the same song again and it cues it to beginning, this would make rewind to beginning of songs very simple and logical, at the moment if you select the song again it does nothing, so I have to choose a neighbouring song and then reselect the original song I’m wanting to be cued up from beginning, this is so frustrating, perhaps Peter you could see the logic of both simple requests and provide us with the two small requests as not all people have the same operational need.
                          I personally would use the auto rewind on foot pedal if I was always false triggering, but since I don’t have that problem I prefer to use the Stop and pause , but this might not suit everyone as they might perform differently and a seperate rewind feature might be perfect for them.

                          Good luck Lishy!