Lishy yes I see, so you have STOP but you don’t want the auto rewind when you hit stop you want this command available as a seperate foot switch control so when you hit stop it pauses but you would rather have a separate rewind switch so you have full control of when you want to rewind.
Yes I can see your need, perhaps Peter can accomodate as not all people have same needs.
I also suggested exactly the same thing with no luck when it comes to the actual software interface, my need was the same but touching the screen, at the moment there is no rewind to beginning button you have to scroll within the waveform area to get to the beginning of tracks, this is slow , my suggestion was very simple and logical , to get to beginning of song while in stop just select the same song again and it cues it to beginning, this would make rewind to beginning of songs very simple and logical, at the moment if you select the song again it does nothing, so I have to choose a neighbouring song and then reselect the original song I’m wanting to be cued up from beginning, this is so frustrating, perhaps Peter you could see the logic of both simple requests and provide us with the two small requests as not all people have the same operational need.
I personally would use the auto rewind on foot pedal if I was always false triggering, but since I don’t have that problem I prefer to use the Stop and pause , but this might not suit everyone as they might perform differently and a seperate rewind feature might be perfect for them.
Good luck Lishy!