Soundtrack2life You can also change tempo on the run
So how would I do this?
ST3 has the capability to speed up and slow down a song without changing pitch, this is like having old style midi data triggering samples, except it is doing it to the audio file, so this makes midi obsolite in some ways as that was the only major difference,
Plus now that you can loop sections of the audio file you can jump around a song just like midi files were good at doing, so now midi controlis useful to change guitar pedal presets, lighting triggers and so on but it has replaced the midi sequencers as we knew them because it can do all that now with real instrument recordings.
You have a choice of ways to change tempo , simply by enering song properties, you can assign the two smart buttons next to stop/start to change tempo, or program your bluetooth foot switches to control the tempo / speed of the song, also song details has the fader there to change speed, so midi is really a thing of the past now.
Checkout the instructions and learn all the things ST3 can do and you might change the way you do things that will speed up your prep time and improve your on stage presence.
Cheers Damir