Hi Peter, while playing around on my stomp 6 foot pedal on my iMac, I found another operational issue, if you only create say 2 loops 1 as into 2 as first verse, once you are in a non loop playing area after the verse you can not get back to any loop again as the song will play to end, this is very limiting, here’s one suggestion and perhaps others can come up with better ones,
If you end up using my suggestion of single touch everywhere but it depends on where you are in a song how loop and selection of next loop works, this might work out well and still using only two foot switches.
Using the loop switch to go to a newly selected loop selection, imagine,
You hit start you pass intro loop and the verse loop now you are heading for ending the loop selection switch is still active as you can choose any of the two loops but you have no start switch to get to that selected loop, but your other permanent loop switch is non active as you are not in any loop, so this then becomes your start the selected loop switch, this is only the case when you are in a non loop area of a song.
This allows you to get back to your loops in a song even when you aren’t in a looping area, while maximising the use of the two foot switches, once you are in a loop you only need to select another loop and the permanent loop switch acts as normal it puts this area in to permanent loop or switches the loop off in this area.
Another suggestion is if you are in a loop area and you choose this to be the next to play area again, you should have an arrow pop up on this area pointing back to start of that loop, meaning this area will play to end start again and then the arrow disappears meaning unless you select this area again or choose permanent loop it will play through as normal.
This than clearly states what’s going to happen.
So you basically have a permanent loop sign and a repeat arrow sign pop up depending on what the user has chosen if a permanent loop was chosen and it’s sign pops up but if you only want to repeat this section once you select that section the permanent loop sign changes to an arrow sign and cancels the permanent loop it plays this section once again and continues as normal.
I think if the logic is worked out perfectly to maximise the use of the two foot switches it will work very well.
At the moment it’s to easy to put loops everywhere and it’s not friendly at all to jump around a song, the foot pedals are some what easier than the actual interface.
I hope this makes sense if not perhaps I can explain further.
Cheers Damir