Regarding stop handling:
This is too late for such a big change and it would affect all users. No chance for this in 3.6.
I don't agree with you. Zoom buttons work just as I want them to work. They zoom in around the playhead (playhead keeps its position on the screen). That makes sense. When you want to zoom on certain area, position the playhead there. It absolutely makes no sense to always center on the middle of the screen as you would always end up in the middle of the song if just press the zoom button.
Again, I don't agree that the song end flashing collides with the regions. I will wait for more feedback from other users after 3.6 is released before I decide whether to change that.
Black Text (hate it):

White text (utterly unusable):

White text in colored boxes:

The last one is the only option I could live with besides the current way it is rendered. Down side on the phone is that it overlaps the waveform a bit too much for my taste. But it looks fine on iPads and in portrait mode:

Even better: Bottom box is only displayed if the loop is active:

I think I will go with the last version.