JDSMUSIC Once ST3 is released, version 2 will no longer be available for purchase, but all users that have already purchased v2 at that point will be able to reinstall it on their devices. It will stay available in the "All Purchases" section of the App Store.
To get rid of the 2 min limit, you need to go to "Settings -> In App Purchases" and buy the "Unlock full version" option. Don't worry, you will not pay actual money in Testflight apps. Once you bought it, you can restore the purchase on any of your devices in the same place (Settings -> In App Purchases).
And something important: If you update from any other version than 3271 to the current version, make sure to create a backup before the update and copy it somewhere into the cloud as this update will break the database. The database migration works only for the update from version 3271 to 3468. I did not bother implementing migration for other combinations as this is only a test version.