EddieH One thing I noticed during my prep Monday, I inadvertently double tapped the "Play" position song. The display went down to the bottom. I didn't know what happened but noticed what was supposed to be the "Play" song was at the bottom of the list. I don't know if that is the intended function but almost freaked me out.
Double tap on the first song in a queue will place it at the bottom of the list. It's a shortcut do skip a song. Similar like a double tap of songs further down in the playlist that will place them on top of the queue.
EddieH Hey Peter, just discovered, ST3 crashes when creating a placeholder song, Tried 3 times.
Yes, this is again a follow up bug of the database changes. I will fix it shortly.
dellamore I don’t understand the logic of this version .
you put colors in the playlist category but we can’t move the next cursor when playing another song why ?
Because it is a queue. Songs will ALWAYS be played in the order from top to bottom. NO EXCEPTIONS. Therefore play and next indicators in this list are always the top 2 songs. That's why I did not have these indicators in the first place. But common consensus is that they are useful and should be there.
dellamore Why when (in playlist mode ) we can't change the cursor play song when we have selected one song one thing ?
Because a playlist is a way to prepare songs for the queue. You never play songs from a playlist, but always from the queue. You can load a playlist into the queue to play it.
dellamore And sincerely I keep not understanding the useful cue list .
It decouples the playing order from your playlists. You have way more options to modify your set during playback than with the old playlist only system.
dellamore for example I have some songs that are cut into several pieces . Leaving free some moments in the song to improvise . How can I do that?
I guess the same way you did with the old version. Or maybe I don't understand the question.
dellamore if every time I pick a game it separates me from the others by making it go up?
Sorry, no idea what you mean.
dellamore why not leave a mode like the old one for those that it suited. With a fixed program and the ability to move functions next song and playing as we want ?
Deciding what to play when is the core of the app. It is not possible offering two different approaches. That would be like developing 2 seperate apps.
rumbakid What is the point of the “Done” purple bar? Can I get rid of that? I just need the Play and Next bars.
So that you can see which songs you have already played. You can remove it by clearing the history.