Spelolle Egen I Used Add songs, and Media library, i crashes. Ond song, workshops well, but i I mark several, just a few is Adde, befors crash. Songlist, crsshes imiditely. It works very well, other tvings. I use an iPad, latest uppdate.
Spelolle Difficult to write in English with a Swedish keyboard and spell check, hope you understand my message.
coopdawg Bazz02 Bazz02 Did you figure out the issue with Media crashing? If not, I finally had this same thing happen. This is what I done to get it to work on my iPad. In iTunes right click on a song and from the drop down list, select “Song Info” Then add an artist name; it don’t matter what you put there, it can be your name. Then sync it back to your iPad. Coopdawg
peter coopdawg So you experienced this crash when your songs had no tags set? esebban Migration will be possible in a later beta version.
esebban Hello I have the version 2 and I have all my set in with lyrics etc ... is it possible to reimport from previous version ?` Thanks in advance Kind regards
coopdawg peter, Yes. Everything was working great when importing from one of my playlist. Then I went to import from another playlist and after selecting the song and selecting “done” ST3 program would close by itself. So I began looking at the two playlist and realized that the playlist that worked had the “artist” included in the song info, and the playlist that wouldn’t import had no “artist” included in the song info. So I added an artist name in song info in iTunes then reloaded the songs on the iPad. The songs would then import as expected.
Bazz02 Peter, I have no tags in any songs.Will tag a few in ITunes and sync back. Didn’t tag any as Vers2 seemed to work ok without tags. Thx Barry
peter coopdawg This is a Great finding. Now I know how to reproduce this and I will be able to fix it. Bazz02 Yes, songs are imported and stored in Stage Traxx. I had to deal with too many support requests regarding syncing issues and lost songs due to iTunes. Having all songs in Stage Traxx will get rid of these problems. JDSMUSIC Sorry I did not make screenshots as the layout is not finished yet. But it looks similar to the iPhone, only bigger.
Bazz02 Yep Guys Tagging an artist in ITunes and syncing back to IPad works.Was able to import songs. Peter,Where to the songs import too. Does this mean we have songs in media library and songs in Stagetraxx.? Thx Barry
Damir peter Hi Peter, When using my ipone6+ and a phone call comes in it disables my performance mid stream this would be most embarrassing on stage perhaps the screen lock can make the software uninterruptible from anything including any beeps or audio alerts Thanks Damir
peter Damir Incoming calls have always a higher priority than any apps. You need to switch your phone into Airplane mode if you use it to perform. That’s the only way to prevent interruptions from calls.
Damir peter can Stage Traxx 3 put the phone in aeroplane mode automatically when opening the software and take it out of the mode when exiting? I believe the old Stage Traxx for I pad was bulletproof in that respect. We have so many things to setup prior to performing one less thing to must remember makes the performer more relaxed and confident the app won’t let him down. Regarding TEMPO Change, If you have TC lyrics which all my songs do, you change tempo to a song the TC does not compensate for tempo change and visually goes out of time to the audio. Cheers Damir
peter Damir No, it is not possible to switch automatically to Airplane mode. On the iPad with cellular you had the same problem. If you want a backup device without phone capability you could buy an iPod Touch. If you change the tempo the clock runs faster or slower. You can see this on the time display. Time coded lyrics should stay in sync.
Damir peter Ok Tempo is working as expected now I don’t know why it didn’t when I first started testing I will keep an eye on it Is there a way to quickly transfer all my songs with TC on my old ipad4 to my Iphone6+ I know I can sync to my ITunes on my IMac but the songs don’t have the TC Data for automated scrolling. I have copied and emailed individual song lyrics on my iPad with TC then received the email on my iPhone copied and pasted in to appropriate song, this seems to work but will take ages having 200 songs is there an easier way? Thanks Damir
peter Damir Migrating your data will be possible in a later beta. Please don‘t invest too much time in this beta to migrate your songs. It is possible that an update to a new beta version could clear the database.
Bazz02 A great point Peter.Some testers look like their spending a lot of time migrating all files. When as you say “A FUTURE UPDATE TO NEW BETA VERSION COULD CLEAR DATA BASE. Hope you don’t mind the Capitals just want all to be aware of this. Thx Barry
Damir peter all good, as long as you are aware of the issues I am not migrating to new version till all important issues are rock solid. Just found I can’t load all my performance songs from iTunes. I have two main playlists created both playlists are exactly the same songs but one has no drums as I use a live drummer on occasions so the names are the same but the audio is different. So all the song names are the same in both playlists but the artist column I placed a different tag like Songs with Drums, Songs no drums, this works very well in old software, The new version it loads all songs with Artist tag Songs No Drums but won’t load the Songs with Drums, it seems like it is not using Artist name to distinguish the difference only Song name so it does not load both versions, Can this be fixed otherwise I am going to have to rename all my songs to distinguish the difference so they all loaf in to SONGS? Cheers Damir
peter Damir When importing songs the filename used to store a song in Stage Traxx consists of title - artist.m4a. If a file with the constructed name exists, Stage Traxx assumes that this song is already present and will skip it. I will have to check whether there is a bug. But I have currently no means to change tags, so I will take a look at this in 2 weeks.
peter Damir The new version it loads all songs with Artist tag Songs No Drums but won’t load the Songs with Drums, it seems like it is not using Artist name to distinguish the difference only Song name so it does not load both versions, I have found a bug when importing songs with some empty tags. If either artist or album have not been set, none of the tags have been imported. Maybe this is related. Apart from the above issue I could play 2 songs with same title and different artists without problems.