I just finished importing all my songs and playlists from ST2 to ST3. On first try when my screen timeout kicked in the import froze. I turned off display lock and got them all in.
Testing usability: All was fine until I selected one of the playlists.. when I did that it added ALL the songs in that playlist to the queue. NOT what I expected. I have over 450 tracks. So we have categorized them into playlists so its easier to find a song. For example, we have "BALLADS", "CLASSIC ROCK", "SOUL, MOTOWN, FUNK", "CHA CHA, TANGO, RUMBA, ETC".. and so on.
What I need to do is 1) select a playlist, 2) find the song in the playlist, 3) add it to the queue.
Is there a setting that I missed somewhere? Without this capability I have no choice but to stay with ST2.