Hello Peter.
I have been using ver two and now I am testing ver 3, and I have found the same crash, when importing a great number of song, more than 800, but I know, you know it.
An Idea.
I have different sorts of performance, and a way to change the tags in playlist, for a beter search. For exemple, search online for Elvis, and the search critrria, is grupper together. Aldo, forcexample, tag with other searchable words, so you can search ”rock” and Elvis and other artist Will be grouped after each other, in the playlist.
Me, for example, have so many backtracks, so I can have all, and then do a Quick search.
This feature, should also work well, for dance, where you change music style, many times, and you want, lets say, Walz. Do a search, and you ser many, to Choose from.
Hopp you follow my Idea.
I really like, tempo change, perfekt for dance performance.
You are doing a very god job, and I would gladly buy your upgrade.