JonathanS hi Jonathan, i have also been frustrated with this area for numerous reasons, i think what could have happened in your case, and this is just a guess as i dont use this feature because of this reason, it is not very user friendly or logical,
I think you might have only saved the following day which starts at midnight meaning most of your gig that was the day before was not saved, you should have chosen save all then you would have got all history, this is another trap in the system, and if you then cleared history, well tuff titties you just lost everything, and this is what i am trying to explain to Peter, the ideas are fantastic but the way they have been implemented dont work very well.
My thinking is this , the history option should be like SONG mode it always exists and you can use it to create new playlists from it but by choice not forceably like now , perhaps print a range of needed history, copy the list to another folder, delete all or parts of history etc.
The highlighted already played songs feature should not be tied to played history at all.
It should exist on its own and behave in this way, you can either activate it on or off for visual effect only, but the database is remembered, and then you should be able to completely clear the database so all played songs are cleared. But the history will be always on and storing the history playlist, this history playlist is the place to go to if you want to use it in anyway you like, play a song again from it, print a range of the playlist, create another playlist, as i mentioned earlier.
This then becomes a very useful tool not only while live performing, but for future when examaning history gigs, creating new gigs , yet you would not have to do anything to have all this its automatic, its there for you at any time perhaps weeks later to use, yet the played song feature can be turned off or cleared at anytime and it wont screw you like it does now.
Hope this helps