Hi, I just discovered this app yesterday and it seems promising. Just wondering if there is a way to change global volume levels for multitrack files? (Like an in-app mixer..) I see that it can be done per song, but not at a global level. It would be really handy if ST had this functionality, it could replace the need for a multichannel usb interface!

    ShaneWardMusic place all your multitrack songs In a playlist
    , then you have a global multitrack volume of all your multitrack files only using the playlist volume fader.

    Stage Traxx has multiple volume settings that are cascaded and applied to each song. For multitrack songs you have the following volume settings:

    Track Volume -> Song Volume -> Playlist/Queue Volume -> Master EQ Gain -> Hardware Volume

    Thanks Damir and Peter. I was hoping to see a global control of each of the individual master tracks, so that any setting applied there would apply to any song being played. The example of this might be that I might always have a kick drum on Track2, at some venues I play with a subwoofer and some I don't - I'd like the ability to adjust the volume of Track2 up or down depending on what is needed at each venue without needing to adjust this on every song.

    Perhaps this could be a feature request..?

      ShaneWardMusic hi Shane, i know exactly what you are trying to get because i do the same thing with my gigs, some i use all my subs and some i dont use any and it feels as though i need to tweak the bottom end to give it more kick in the bottom end when no subs used,
      But doing it in ST3 is not the place to be doing this.
      ST3 already has so many places to control EQ and volume it is really asking way too much.
      I thought the exact same thing you did than i thought about it, all my songs are setup to sound perfect through my 2 yamaha front house speakers so when i do small gigs everything is as i want it, if i have a large gig with subs, i setup my sound to get best results out of my yamahas then i use the volume knobs on the actual sub speakers to balance them with my yamahas, this then requires no more tweaking as all my songs are well balanced.

      So my suggestion is when you create multi track songs always mix the multitracks to be well balanced to your fronthouse without the subs, once you introduce subs the mix will still sound great if you just add the subs to a point where in a big venue they just bring back the bass to suit the venue.
      When mixing sound a lot of people dont use the features available in the correct order or way and this can eventually give them problems, like distortion or poor mixer cotrol of mixing due to wrong knobs beeing tweaked.
      It should not be ST3 job to fix PA issues , the PA shuld be setup to receive a perfect mix from ST3.
      I personally have a DRUM TRACK that runs about a minute, which i allways use to setup my PA, as the drums give you your full frequency range, as soon as i hear this track i know exactly if all my tracks will sound great or perhaps i need to hear more subs, its very obvious, so i just tweak my yamaha boxes to suit as they have 3 different freguency options then i tweak my subs to compliment the yamies and thats it, 5 minutes to setup gives me perfect results in any venue.
      Hope this helps and wasnt too much of suck egg information but it might help others that read this.
      Yes i agree what you are asking for would help those that dont spend time to do any accurate mixing, they grab a track shove it in to ST3 and expect to fix it on the run but this has a lot of problems when dealing with lots of songs you will forever be tweaking on stage by not spending the prep time in the first place, your best solution in your case is to output your sound in to a digital mixer like Xair16 or 18 have your drums and bass seperated from the stero mix and use the mixer to seperately control individual instruments you want to have a global control, this is your fix it now option.
      Cheers Damir

      That's indeed not possible. I will investigate the possibility to add more seperate outputs. That way you could route the problematic tracks to different outputs and use a mixer to make these adjustments. I think that would be the correct way to do it.

        peter thats interesting, i was under the impression if you choose main out it goes out as digital chanel 1 and 2 and if i choose Aux out this is digital out 3 and 4,
        I havent played around with that to be sure but i thought i did have 2 stereo digital paths back to a digital mixer like Xair18.
        Can you put me straight thanks Peter.

        That's right. Main Out and Aux Out can be routed to 2 different stereo outputs. The idea is to add 2 more Aux busses, so that you could have 4 different stereo pairs. That should be enough for most users.

        ShaneWardMusic If you use MAIN OUT to a digital mixer set on tracks 13456 and AUX OUT on track 2 you should have a global volume of your kick drum.
        YOUR DIGITAL MIXER INPUT 1 and 2 should have your full mix without the kick and inputs 3 and 4 should have your kick, giving you global control of it on the mixer itself.
        As Peter said he might provide more outputs so you can really go to town with it.

        4 months later

        Can I change volumen of ibdividual track in multitrack mode by midi pedal like Behringer midi PCB 1010 pedal or airturn BT200 with 6 swichers

        No, you can only change the song volume which would affect all tracks.

        Can I switch off and on tracks in multitrack mode

        No, but that might be a nice feature to add. I will add it to my todo list.