peter OK so how do i quickly fix my problem of tidying up my 530 songs to end up with 250 i actually need in SONG mode, is there a simple way out of this prdicament, or do i have to come up with my own work around, i know i can fix this and its going to take a lot of my time, but i am just pointing this out to you so you are aware that there is a fearly big problem learking in the way it is now.
I havent experianced this sort of problem in other players because there are no other players out there that do this job, this is the only one i know that does exactly what i want except it has a slight problem in its fileing system, its not going to bother those that use it very simply, but those that start using trim, transpose, and have a need for the same song with different versions will find themselves in a pickle eventually and will ask the same question, how do i get rid of one song that has multiple songs pointing to the same file without loosing that file yet keep all its synced lyrics with chords in tact.
If i use data backup it does not help as it will bring back all wrong data back again.
Perhaps i could copy all ST3 folder, delete ST3, fresh install the ST3 files and than i have no data and then im really stuffed all my lyrics/chords are gone that would be a disaster.
Is there a way to fix this without spending the rest of my life fixing it?
The only thing i can think of is , duplicating my ST3 folder, deliting all the doubles in SONG mode and noting their names , then going to the duplicated ST3 folder selecting these songs copy/pasting them back to ST3 folder , refresh, and hopefully this then will get me a true SONG list that represents the ST3 folder.
And from then on keep a close eye that i dont create a song file in SONG mode that points to a song file that has already been used otherwise i will end up in the same pickle.
Now as you can see this is a major problem, people will do this eventually and have the same problem if not sooner perhaps later.
If i have completely missed something and am completely wrong can you set me straight as this is a big concearn to me as i like to keep my SONG list in perfect order as it makes life on stage a lot easier.
SOLUTION suggestion
Either make it so you CAN NOT point a song in SONG mode to an already used ST3 song file.
Or come up with a way to be able to delete songs in SONG mode that point to the same ST3 folder song without loosing this song file and its data.
Perhaps the second option would be more flexible, imagine when you swipe right to delete a duplicate song pointing to a same song file, it gives you an option to eather completely remove all files associated with this song file incuding the actual song in ST3 folder, or do you just want to get rid of this song thats in the SONG mode list leaving all others in tact including the ST3 song file itself
Thanks Damir