peter using queue is not an option for me as it does not work for me on stage as i want, it limits me in many ways, switching to queue view does nothing for me appart from seeing the now and next song side by side, i dont need this as i can see my now and next song in waveform area, there is no advantage to do this.
The reason as i said i quickly want to switch from one to the other is to get me in the area i want to change things.
Example as a solo performer i am doing the last song in my playlist, i am ready to go off stage and want to play from my DJ playlist my background music playlist is at half volume and the next song is any random song in that playlist that has not been played next, but last moment i get told bride and groom want to have their opening dance straight after my last song, i know its in my DJ playlist i need to get to it to change two things, the next song selection and the volume of the playlist to full volume, a swipe to the right gets me instantly to the playlist and the wrong next song, i then choose the correct song and turn up the volume and my next song is ready, now i realize my now song is not in auto play, a quick swipe to right again in playlist jumps back to my now playing song and i can turn on auto play, now this can all be done while i am performing my last song of the set yes it involves my finger but i am desperate and i need to get this done now, no mucking about like an amateur after my song ends its straight to business like a pro.
The idea is to give us the flexability to do things normally not possible by standard limited players, thats what distinguishes a professional player to a domestic dumb players like music and itunes.
My guestion is how come when you choose the next song in another playlist the software knows which playlist and song is going to play, it seems it is possible to do this.
The player seems to have the knowledge which is the now playing song and which is the next, why can it be a flip flop action a first swipe takes you to now playing song a second swipe takes you to next song no matter in which playlist, if you drift away fom both in the view a swipe to right always gets you to now playing song, next swipe to the next song if there is one otherwise it remains with the now playing song.
So the logic is no matter where you are in ST3 if you right swipe will get you to the now playing song first then the next swipe gets you the next song.
This has enormous usefullness if runing professionally.
Perhaps a uneque tag needs to be added to the actual song thats in the front view so you can jump to the now playing song and a memory tag be placed on the last next song selection that was in front view so you can jump to the last next song selected and its view so you can flip flop between the two tags when swiping to the right to instantly get to those views.
I am just throwing rambling ideas around not having any understanding of programs capability.
But surely in this day and age the only limitation should be the creative mind not the technical ability.