Stikmaster Hi Stikmaster, i felt the same way the first time ST3 was created, the ST3 folder was not very understandable and simple to use, unfortunately we have to work around that, the only way to access your lyrics is selecting a song going to its edit lyrics folder select all copy and paste to another place, thats it, no other way, its fine if you just work simply and with no different versions of songs or different language versions and perhaps your own version of the lyrics, it works but its time consuming and limited.
Its a pitty it doasnt work in a more flexible way, but good things take time just like queu its great for a few but the majority will find the good old playlists have a lot more benefits.
This also applies to multitrack, its fantastic , but who ever uses it heavely will find the folder system will soon become very clattered with all the multitrack audio files residing in one folder for all the songs, just imagine how many bass guitar/drum tracks etc you will end up having 300 tracks times 6 thats 1800 files and most with similar names, a folder for every song with its 6 or so multitracks residing simply in the multitrack master folder makes more sense, that way you export your multitrack song to a song folder place this folder to the st3 multitrack master folder, then go through the loading process makes a lot more sense, you can then import all your multitrack songs at once then simply create multitrack songs in the existing way.
This should apply to text lyrics/chords and PDFs a one way to operate for all file formats, no confusion and much quicker way to manipulate the files , a way most of us are use to working.
So i do sypathise with you, but we are very lucky we have the on stage tool we have so perhaps in time things will be improved as they say good things take time.