Stikmaster sounds great how much is it, where can i get one, and are there different versions of the guitar, does it run on batteries, has it got the samples stored within, and finaly does it have midi out to be able to play in to a daw for recording.
Sorry for all the questions i have an old roland midi quitar with midi capability but its to awkward to use live and it has delay issues and a tack on rack unit it plugs in so its a pain to lug around with little gain.
This sounds like a great simple versatile way of getting just the sound you want.
Its amazing how you can be looking for something for ages and not find it thinking its not invented yet its out there waiting to be discovered, ST3 suffers from this as i am sure there are plenty of users looking for it but have not found it as the apple store is full of crappy software , unless you know the name to the letter of the software you wont find it, i have pointed this out to Peter, you can type in search Stage and you still dont get stage traxx as an option you get other crappier software yet a great well developed worty app like ST3 does not appear unless you hit splace after you type Stage, it should pop up as soon as you type Stag , no wonder people cant find the software or harware thats out there they really might want.
It sounds like a combination of your guitar and my effect unit would give us everything.
At the moment i have to swap from electric guitar to accoustc and its a pain cause it limits the set list you cant randomly just jump to any song you have to consider what instrument is in your hands, this would eliminate it.
Anyway im glad there are people out there willing to share their knowledge like youself.
Thank you Cheers Damir.