Hi guys. I’m a newbie here and having a few issues with the volume of tracks during playback. I’d like some advice on if there’s a way to make every track in my set list the same volume level when they’re being played. Is there a way to do this in the stagetackxx software?

I’m finding that I’m constantly altering the volume on my iPad as one song may be good and then the next too quiet and then the next one will blast out!!! A bit of an issue when trying to sing lol.

I’d really appreciate any possible solutions.

Many thanks 🙏


    Thank you 🙏 I’ll look that up. Is it good for iOS and Mac?

    Showtime most of my tracks are mp3 but some are bought from iTunes and I believe they’re not in mp3 code. Will these be able to be normalised or do I need to find a way to convert them to mp3?

    Thanks in advance 🙏

    On the Mac you can use MP3 Gain Express. Or another option available on Mac and Windows is Foobar2000. You need to scan for Track Replay Gain.

    The first option will modify the loudness of the files directly in a nondesctructive way. Meaning you can reverse it. The second option will just write a volume value as a tag that Stage Traxx will then read and use as the initial song volume. Of course you should then no longer change the song volume in Stage Traxx.

      StyledCowboy You can manipulate ST3 individual song volumes to a certain degree to even out your output levels, best practice is to leave alone the majority of your same level songs set to zero so the other minority that might be too loud or too soft are adjusted, this will save you time, you need to use your ears to determine your standard Zero level songs, if most of your songs are all over the place then you need to use external software to tweak them, some times normalizing on its own will not work as you might have high peaks that need compressing first to bring the average listening power up then normalizing to bring it up to normal listening levels.I never use bulk normalizing software as most of the time its not the normalizing thats wrong its the overall enery of the song that is different due to instruments used so there is a lot more to consider than normalizing.
      But a simple tweak of individual song volumes mostly works for 95% of songs unless they have been totally unprofessionally made in which case i would never want to use them anyway as they are usually badly composed tracks.
      Just incase you were not aware the volume control at the botom can be switched between song volume and overall playlist or queu mode make sure it is blue colour this will allow you to change individual song volumes and they will be remembered.

      @"StyledCowboy"#p593Yes, I’m using a Mac an iOS devices.

      Is it possible to build in a VU meter that hold peaks?
      This will make the adjuments of volume between tracks easier.

      Sorry no. A simple VU meter will not help as the sample peaks don't help to judge the loudness. You would need a real loudness meter which is simply too complicated to implement.

      But you can host AUv3 plugins. Maybe you can find a plugin that will show you the info you need.

        2 years later

        peter Hi Peter, how would I normalize an entire playlist or "Songs" list in Stage Traxx? I'm very frustrated performing live and having volume levels that are all over the place...please help!!! (www.sandyshore.biz/sandyshow)

        Analyzing your songs with replaygain could be a first step. You can use https://www.foobar2000.org to do that and use these values as song volumes in Stage Traxx. This will get you good starting point but you might still need to adjust a little bit when listening through a PA system.

        peter can I access the AUv3 plugin from the song playing page? Like in the drop-down volume pan area?

        It seems like I have to go into the settings menu…

        That's right. You can only access it from the settings screen.